Dar kist (aidan Grout) is originally from New Zealand, he moved to the U.K back in 2003. his love for music was always in Black Metal, but once he hit the london clubs it all changed
Dar Kist first started producing back in the summer of 2006, he first found a love from drum and bass while at a D&B night at Fabric in london back in 2003. He started playing around with ideas that were in his head when a producer called Painpattern introduced him to music production, he then built up a bedroom studio and began experimenting. early on this year Dar kist was introduced to Dubstep while at a D&B night in a club called The End in london, again Dar Kist was taken away by this new sound that entered his head, so he took the skills that he had learnt while making dnb and applied them to Dubstep, and has formed his own interpretation of the genre, He has since struck interest in one or two dubstep labels.KEEP YOUR EARS & MIND OPEN, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT
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