So My Name Is Jazzie Love.
I Love:
-My Friends
-My Pets
-All Living Things
-My Job
-My Teachers
-My School
-My classes
-My Car
-My Bed
I Hate:
-people that judge too much
-cleaning my animals
-people that dont know me, n think they can talk shit
Random Facts:
-Most people dont understand me, meaning things i say or do are taken in the wrong way.
-I dont talk shit, i state facts or my opinion.
-I SUCK at spelling.
-Im behind in school.
-I try my best to never let people know when im sad.
-the only people that i know of that dont like me, are the people that dont actualy know me.
-I have 3 older brothers, and no sisters, meaning im the only girl and the baby so everyone is over protective of me.
-My main goal in life is to raise children.
-It annoys me when people always ask me that and then tell me that there has to be somthing i want to do other than be a mommy, because no, there isnt.
-I like everyone.
-It takes alot to annoy me.
-Im sure i annoy alot of people.
-I speak my mind, so i can be pretty blunt, dont think im a bitch just because of it.
-I love working with people and being around them.
-Just because i dont do all my work in shcool, or get good grades, doesnt mean im not going to do my job when i get older.
-Grades mean NOTHING to me.
-Just because you get an A on some stupid paper doesnt mean you actualy know what you did.
-Ive almost gotten held back 3 different times.
-Most people think im a slut, but guess what, im not.
-Im very open with my life.
-People always think im fake just because im nice to everyone, even people i dont like.
-I respect people.
-It bothers me to the max when people dont like me, but i wont go out of my way to make them like me.
-Im extremely trusting.
-It takes ALOT for me to not like anyone.
-I dont sleep alot.
-I dont talk to people on the phone, unless i really like you.
-I go to ALOT of concerts.
-Ive been 15ft. away from Ozzy and Zack.
-I dont complain, I vent.
-When im mad i smile.
-When im pissed i cry.
-When im sad, no one knows unless i tell them.
-When im happy i have a smile on my face.
-I wish i had a bigger butt.
-People use me.
-People tell me their secrets, and ive never told anyone any of them.
-I have ADD.
-Im on meds.
-Just because i talk to your boyfriend, or hug him alot, doesnt mean im hitting on him, and im NOT trying to take him from you, i dont need him.
-I want to meet everyone in the world, even tho i know i wont.