"Time Is On My Side" is the first important album of 2007. It is constantly interesting, grabbing you with a vice-like grip, suffocating the listener with each of the 11 apocalyptic compositions. At times it's bleakness seems relentless, but a subtle melody or a dim string passage breaks its way through now and again, conveying a sense of hope. It is not until the last static-drenched strains of "To Be Thought Of" that you can pause for thought. Lilja's brooding vocals ensures that this album is thoroughly captivating throughout. A constantly evocative and deeply personal recorded document, "Time Is On My Side" is an outstanding achievement for Tobias Lilja and an excellent find for the ever-impressive n5md."
//Boring Machines Disturbs Sleep
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This clip was originally posted at my newly born blog, check it out at tobiaslilja.wordpress.com