yes, I do have superpowers! profile picture

yes, I do have superpowers!

About Me

Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.comHey you! so, my names salome-thats me. Im a superwoman, but unlike superman i dont have to keep it a seceret! But i would like to clear up a few myths about superpeople... a)we do not have some weardo alergy to Cryptonite. b)we actualy dont have x-ray vision (which is a real shame, think of all the fun you could have!) c)we do age d)we do not have to wear boxers over our leggings (clark kent just ruined our reputation with that gay ass outfit) e)we can't actualy fly without a cape. Its got something to do with physics-i dont know But other than that, pretty much everything you know about supperpeople is true! However, I'm just that little bit more special. I have a 'strong hand'. Yes, its true. My strong hand does many magical things, including lifting cars and buildings - me and my hand can do anything! I also have blonde hair. Most supperheros are brunnets-but my golden locks mean that I am also supper clever! hit me with any question-ill know the answer-im am a walking talking Wikipedia! "whats 3x3" i hear you say, well thats a tuffy, but its 9 my little friend! It can be tough being a superwoman sometimes. It gets quite annoying when i have to fly of and save a cat just because some little brat shouted my name. But hey-at least I can scrunch a steel bar to the size of a pingpong ball then catapultit into the sun! Oh yeah-the ozone hole-thats my fault. I keep chucking stuff into space! My fellow superfriends inlude Supersuz - she is just a little bit more powerful then me, so im her bitch. Superdawn - her main superpower is being realy cute. Then thers superterri - her superpower is being a sexi minx. And all my other superpeople are fantastical and i love them all!enough about me!lol! Remember, next time you see a shooting star-thats probibably me!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people id like to meet . . . .I've already met them. I love all my friends (at uni and back home). But im a total people person, so i like to meet new people all the time! If your my friend I'll do anything for you and I'll always be there - no matter what!