Member Since: 9/13/2006
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â€The Scroll with 7 Seals†***End of Year Holiday***Special. Our NEW 12-part series, PLUS 3 FREE HD DVD’s…CLICK the PIC to Learn More
HERE IT IS â€The Scroll with 7 Seals†*End of Year Holiday SPECIAL*Click Here
The Seals, which we find in The Book of Revelation 5:1-8:6, we believe, based on the events resulting from the breaking of the sixth, Revelation 6:12, are a summary of ALL the Divine judgments which will usher in the Day of the LORD: including the whole of "The Tribulation," and leading up to the End — the last "seven years," and "the great day of His wrath." Therefore, they cover the whole period in broad outline.
Now this is very important. There is every reason to believe that "the Day of the LORD" will be a prolonged period. It must not be limited or confined to "seven years," as everyone thinks. As we went over EXTENSIVELY in our series: Section 1: the ChurchesThe time between the coming forth of the LORD to Snatch-up (Harpazo), and meet His Church IN THE AIR, and His coming unto the Earth WITH His Church, in power and great glory, we believe, could very well correspond to the thirty-three years between His coming forth at Bethlehem, as we read in Micah 5:2, and His coming unto Jerusalem as we read in Zechariah 9:9 . All the events between Micah 5:2 and Zechariah 9:9 we speak of as constituting His "first coming." In like manner, all the events described in The Book of Revelation, which take place between His coming "for" and His coming "with" His Church, we also can speak of as "His second coming" or "the Day of the LORD."
If you act NOW, and order “The Scroll with 7 Seals†on HD DVD, you will also receive, absolutely FREE, 3 UNBELIEVABLE FANTASTIC DVDs…and here they are…:
"September Clues": The All *NEW* Definitive Version COMPLETE series by SocialService. All 9 parts including the Epilogue
This is the analysis, a film by "SocialService" of the forgeries shown on the TV, on 9/11. Manhattan was...simulated digitally (with various techniques) in order to control the scenery which, in reality, featured missiles striking the twin towers.
By now, most serious 9/11 researchers will agree that no plane hit the Pentagon and that no sizeable plane debris was found in Shanksville - let alone at Ground Zero. Now, as we analyze the TV broadcasts of that day, what we see emerging is only the continuation of this pattern : no solid, 'slam-dunk' proof of plane debris. Only 'flight175' was broadcast live : in fact, merely three 2sec-clips of bi-dimensional / dark plane-shadows were broadcast on live TV. Keep that in mind : that's a total of 6sec OF LIVE TV footage - which fooled the world.
Thanks for watching this. It is VERY thorough, controversial, and enlightening.
The Unveiling of Jordan Maxwell
A film by Christ White of, www.
This film details the many mistakes and the outrageous lies of Jordan Maxwell a.k.a. Russell Pine
After months of research and checking Jordan Maxwell's "facts", we found him to be a very deceptive and manipulative teacher. In addition to debunking many of his claims this film looks at his motivations and associations and shows that his philosophy is exactly, although cleverly hidden, that of the New World Order. This film reveals his overwhelming devotion to Theosophy, and, to famed luciferian Helena Petrovna Blavatsky to the point of naming Himself "Jordanus Maximus"
Jordan Maxwell’s apparent goal is to sell those in the Truth Movement, the New World Order religion.
The outrageous statements of Maxwell that are debunked include: Does Christ mean "oil"? Does anoint mean "sex"? Is God merely a volcano? Does the Ark of the Covenant represent the feminine ability to give life? Did King Solomon exist? Is the name Solomon derived from Sol OM On? Does OM mean The Sun? Do we call turning on lights "on" because of Heliopolis? Does Solomon’s temple represent sex? Was Manna in the bible psychedelic mushrooms? Where is the mushroom painting? Does mushroom art in the 1200 speak for Christianity? Does Judaism come from Saturn Worship? And much, much more!
Determined to find the law that requires American citizens to pay income tax, producer Aaron Russo ("The Rose," "Trading Places") set out on a journey to find the evidence.
This film which is neither left, nor right-wing is a startling examination of government. It exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America since 1913 when the Federal Reserve system was fraudulently created. Through interviews with U.S. Congressmen, a former IRS Commissioner, former IRS and FBI agents and tax attorneys and authors, Russo connects the dots between money creation, federal income tax, and the national identity card which became law in May 2008. This ID card will use Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips which are essentially homing devices used to track people.
This film shows in great detail and undeniable facts that America has and is moving headlong into a fascist police state. Wake up!
So There You Have It!!!
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