punk rock princess. profile picture

punk rock princess.

Show your bones!img src=http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r23/xdead_discox/bein gsic.jpg

About Me

Heya I'm called Leah.
I have one brother his name is Jonathan.
I have the most amazing friends..sometimes I dont deserve them.
Because I can be very stupid at times.
I'm not better or smater than anyone else.
I like other people have likes and dislikes.
I'm fond of weird quirky things and dressing up.
I like to speak my mind,but I know when to hold my breath.
My favorite all time band is New Found Glory!
I'm a pescetarian.
I speak welsh I'm not good at it,so I'd like to try and speak more of it.
I think karma can be a big part of things that go on in the world.
And that everything happens for a reason..things don't just happen
I like things,technologic,odd,weird and glam.
Laurel and Hardy always make me laugh.Legends
Don't assume things about me...ask me questions about it instead?
Last but not least don't add me unless you're going to talk.

My Interests


I spend most of my time inhailing O2.
My heart likes to beat through out the 24 hours.
I fooling about with my mates.
I like going to the pub to have a drink or three.
I listen to music it makes me soul dance
I read some books y'kno for my brain to work out.


img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y31/punky_chickadee/4. gif"


I Love Music.My family & my friends.

My Blog

birthday countdown

Posted by Leahtronic. on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 01:19:00 PST