Collecting Coca Cola associated items & any thing that takes my mind off things...
The clever dick that invented the wheel.
Muse, Daft Punk, Gorillaz, Cobra Starship, The Fray, Sufjan Stevens, Yoji Biomehanika.
Leon (The Professional), Shawshank Redemption, Bicentenial Man, City Of God, Predator, Predator 2, AVP, Pulp Fiction, The Mexican, The Butterfly Effect, Be Cool, Troy, 300. I could go on but no one reads this so why bother?
Dont really do TV...
The only book i've ever read (of my own choice, not because i was forced to) is the sequal to ET, it was a bit trippy but a good read.
People who have achieved alot in life, but done it in an honorable way, as in not some cunt who goes on Big Brother, plays with their fun parts, then sells the story to magazines and papers, makes some money out of it, then automatically they're a celebrity. Whatever.