Chacho profile picture


Patience Makes Lighter What Sorrow May Not Heal

About Me

.. width="425" height="350" ..I was born and raised by monkeys. At 15 I ran off with the wolves and found myself in Tucson. It turns out theres alot of orangutangs in this town. When I was 9 years old I was raped by a dog. A chihuahua to be exact. I attend support groups titled "I was raped by a chihuahua dog at 9 years old anonymous". When I grow up I want to be a part-time Border Patrol. Becuase I want to help my nana cross the border. She always seems to get stuck under the fence, she never seems to make it. I want to take part of her living the american dream. My grandma always had high standards in life. She recently discovered that shaving her beard would make it easier for the unemployment office to hire and identify her as a female employee. I'm currently attending the University of Mcdonalds, I'm majoring in mcpatatas. A rare breed of potatoe wedges, only found in mexican mcdonalds. I hope to get some recognition in the french fry industry so that I can afford to have a family and raise some monkeys of my own. Perhaps we'll have a pet chihuahua for the children. But to be on the safe side we will neuter the children. People might think that I'm mentaly impaired but I am mentaly repaired. I had my left hemisphere brain replaced with a yellow sponge so that I could obsorb the information people where telling me.....wait a that I think about it.....I guess they were making a joke out of my life. Stupid doctors, GOSH, what IDIotS. How could they not know that a sponge doesn't function like a real brain. I can't believe I lended them my A.B.C. bubble gum(Already Been Chewed). The good news is that I have a new doctor. His hospital is located deep in the heart of the mcdonalds mens restroom of oracle, near wetmore. He is a wee bit weird but I have trust on this doctor. Dont know if he is a him or a her or both. He is adding soap to the sponge to wash away the memories of the chihuahua rape incident and the horrible jokes made by my formal doctors. Come to think of it again.....this doctor is making a joke out of my sponge brain as well. PAt-u-ieee (this has not been based on true events) (Evita el exceso)Get your myspace layouts at MyPsace.orgPerfect Women

My Interests

.. width="425" height="350" .. Art, architecture, Business, Caligraphy, astronomy, holography, european and american sport cars, basketball, and....

I'd like to meet:



I love All music


Anchor Man, Big Fish, What dreams may come, Finding Neverland, Old School, Vanilla Sky, Star Wars, Nightmare before chirstmas, Corpse Bride, Lord of the Rings, City of God, Pirates of the Carribean, Notebook, Wedding Crashers....Can't Name them all


.. width="425" height="350" ..I have lots of stupid laughs, funny cartoons, Family guy, the Simpsons, southpark, mind of mencia, chapelle show, rno 911. NBA. Poker. Animal Planet.


Two books I've talked alot about that have inspired me and that I've learned vastly from are "the devine comedy" by Dante Alighieri(for those who are interested of the afterlife) and, "What they dont teach you at harvard business school" by Mark H. MCcormack".


Michael Jordan, and Carol Shelby. .. width="425" height="350" ..Michael Jordan
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My Blog


"There are places Ill rememberAll my life though some have changedSome forever not for betterSome have gone and some remainAll these places have their momentsWith lovers and friends I still can recal...
Posted by Chacho on Tue, 06 Dec 2005 03:54:00 PST

Things that make hearts break

"THings that make hearts break Pretty smiles deceiving laughs and people who dream with their eyes open lonely children unanswered cries and souls who have given up hoping The other thing that breaks...
Posted by Chacho on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 03:30:00 PST