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About Me

Hi, I'm David. I'm studying Acting (NQ) at college (Langside - glasgow, scotland) just now and I'm really enjoying it although it's quite exhusting. I'm really chuffed to be on this course as acting has always been something in the back of my head for as long as since I started watching television when I was a kid. I was amazed at how these people could communicate these ideas, feelings and emotions through that medium - across the world, across cultures, across languages - to make someone laugh, to make someone cry, to make someone think, to provoke somone, to anger someone.I sat there and thought 'I could do that, it looks like fun'. I marvelled at the actors and actress', and whilst in rapt facination with them myself - I pondered how absurd it was to be so, but hey, life is absurd. And so here I am, giving it a go.I have a girlfriend called Kate whom I've been with for 5 years, and I work in farmfoods (part-time). I've done some amateur theatre and been in an unpaid film. I want to really study acting in depth for the next few years, but at the same time want to keep my hand in at the professional side of the business (the side that pays). As the theory is all very great, but I want to be able to apply that theory to work.I have found that the theatre is not what I love, film is what I love. I love the beautiful sweep of a well choreographed cinematography shot, inventive editing, close ups, pans, nature shots, colour, sound editing, and the whole mix of it all to create something to elevate you out of your existence - for a while. I love the intimate nature of film, that allows you to access the small details of a persons life, for it's these things that really move us. That said, I believe that an actor can't hide on the stage, and so I have a massive repsect for it. Although the mediums are different, and require a different focus, I believe the stage (theatre) is the best training an actor can have. So in the coming years I'm going to have to pluck up some courage to get on it a bit more.I don't know if I want to be professional actor - I might turn my hand to something else if I get bored. We'll see. The world might decide for me.Sometime I can seem like a melancholy sort, and seem to drift off and get lost in my own world, and I suppose that's sometime the case. I can wander off and start to explore things on my own, sometimes it seems rude, or antisocial. I can be quite happy in my own company, other times I like to be around people. Dreaming's so much easier on your own though, and you can create your own worlds. More exciting than this world around us is the prospect of other worlds, ways of existence, the importance of dreaming means alot to me. I think we shouldn't lose sight of that. Although we'll come and we'll go, and it doesn't mean anything, I think we could make the time we have here special, enjoy it, and enable others to do the same. I can have a dark or silly sense of humour, I can make a fool of myself. Other times I can be quite short with people, and moody. MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people that can supply me with food

My Blog

Poetry 1

Dumping the dead   there are some things I'll never know still got the christmas cards up   I can feel summer coming round I can feel it in the back of my neck.   got to get the blood...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 14:12:00 GMT

poetry 3

blue groaning sky   blue groaning sky, chiming away puddle ridden street.   plastic-bag head papermache volcanoes soup bin
Posted by on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 13:43:00 GMT

poetry 2

of breath sculpture cymbals splashed yellow and green all over my ears   Patriotism is conformism.   Unimpressed,              &n...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 13:40:00 GMT