Look and listen!
Bob and Jake playing "Leaving on your mind"
DM Bob hails from, as most of you reputable journalists already know, the bayoulands surrounding New Awlins, Loosianna. In Jan 91`he safely landed in Hamburg. It was on the 18th to be exact; the gulf war had just begun and a klansman looked to have more support than deemed both logical or reasonable in the local gov race. But what the hell `twernt pollystik that brought DM to sinning Hamburg, `twas de smell of female of course (and the great german Kultur naturally). But oldwhatshername is long gone now and Bob`s still in St. Pauli. One might ask, why would anyone want to stick around Hamburg so long? Well since the Winter of 1994 Susie, Tank Top and DM have spat, weezed..... and somehow consistantly thrown-down some of sloopyist heep `n help`ns of swampgroove most euros aint never xpeerienced.
Bob and Jem Finer (Pogues) "Lou for Looser"-Video
Bob`s first 1st real band (they got paid) started shakin butts back in 83`: BENGT WEENIE and the AWESOME RODS featuring two of Bob`s musical mentors: Johnny Jon Guitar and BUSH HOG Rico on Guitar and sangin; Bob on drums. Sort of a Hound Dog Taylor style thang.
I mean most bass deficit bands are inspired by Ted, Brewer, and Hound Dog aren`t they? Bob said, "when I heard Brewer and the Dog back in `80 Ismashed up my 12 strang akoostik geetar and got mysellf a $60 Gretsch Corvette with a whammy bar. But it ain«t Bob`s geetar playing nor his rhytmic struggles that have led him through a slough of bands, it was the fact that he was bold enough to sing. Bob insists that anyone can do it, you just have to find the correct microphone. Well by the sound of their records it would seem that they are still searching, but anyway.....
Bob and Jake playin the "Big Man"
The Deficits started out as a 2 Drum/ 1geetar combo . Bob first heard Susie & Tank Top rhythmically sync-up at a St Pauli Gymnasium Party and they were then asked to make a demo tape, something that Bob had never done after 4 years of pimp bars. Fortunately Susie, whoes great great uncle was Django Reinhard (the worlds 3rd best geetar picker), could play just about any instrument she cared to try. So today a typical deficit show might feature Susie sometime playing slide, drums, or geetar plus singin` a few of her own songs to boot.One gripe the band has had is the way the folk round here, especially the so called critics and experts, tend to want to standardsize or place one in his or her Fach - for example, Bob just don`t think that "roots music" totally fills the crack. But Bob rekons the bulk of their influence/sound does spring from LA/TX music made before the Elvis ever even heard "that«s all right mama" and there«s other stuff mashed in, too, like the Killer and many others. Not to say that there is some kind of purist thing going on here. Bob sometimes calls it the anti-anti-rock sound, some have called it the Crypt sound, and the a stute connoisseurs are perhaps reminded of the Goldband label of Lake Charles LA and that`s cool, and if you be Kool & Krazy, you know what it is....