My Blog
Another Californian Revelation...
Okay, so I know that I'm writing a lot about my trip so early when I've got about 5 weeks left before I leave, but I just decided on something M.A.J.O.R.I'm going to be driving out there....Yup, so al...
Posted by on Mon, 11 May 2009 06:01:00 GMT
My potential move to BB, CA
So my family decided to throw us for a loop and come in on a surprise visit for Mother's Day weekend this year. My grandmother, my aunt, and my uncle on my mom's side have come in this past Friday, an...
Posted by on Sun, 10 May 2009 09:32:00 GMT
Why do nerves get to me when I'm supposed to be excited?
So I've been talking to Josh a lot lately, right? (For those of you not in the know, Josh is the name of the MAN *not* boy, who I've been talking to out in California) I've had a lot of things going o...
Posted by on Wed, 06 May 2009 10:09:00 GMT
My plans have changed.
Soooooo.My plans have changed.I'm leaving on Saturday, June 20th. That will give me a chance to have one last paycheck before I go out to California.BUT.....(there's always a but..)I'm coming back hom...
Posted by on Sat, 02 May 2009 21:54:00 GMT
California Trip Itinerary
Okay, so as very few of you know, I'm coming back to California for a two and a half week visit.I've spoken to the people I want to speak to about it. I'm gearing up to meet some real cool girls, hang...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 15:36:00 GMT
I'm always right, and don't you forget it...
You know, after moving here to this shithole, I've found the place to be rather interesting. I mean hell, I met one half of my pair of best friends. She's a girl that I'll always be in a debt of grati...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 07:48:00 GMT
Some bitches will regret meeting me...
That's right. I'm getting tired of people who THINK they're somebody who are trying to talk shit about my boy. I don't care if they talk shit about me because that's just who they are - piles of worth...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 14:42:00 GMT
Gloria Mayfield - Banks (Thanks G!)
I've decided to put this under fashion and style simply because that's what she exudes - and a LOT of it. Okay, so here I go...If any of you know the business of Mary Kay, you know that it's symbolize...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Jan 2009 06:10:00 GMT
2009 Resolutions...
I think it's safe to say that I've gone through a lot this year in terms of dealing with personal and interpersonal issues. On a personal level, I've lost more than just a little bit of weight. I gues...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 12:43:00 GMT
The nightlife in this village just got HELLA boring...
You know what, I've realized things about living out here, ESPECIALLY the nightlife and all that it has to do with it. It's pathetic, really. You know, I don't go out much, if at all. It's sad because...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 19:22:00 GMT