About Me
Tru school lithuanian hip-hop dj/turntablist. With big love to the music, DJ Mamania started Dj'ing already in 1992. The first breath of freedom for our country Lithuania brought us a big variety of music and great amount of music styles and influences to choose from.
Next day after a great concert of GANG STARR in 1998, DJ Mamania bought his first hip-hop LP and started concentrating on hip-hop movement to the fullest. This led him to win lithuanian DJ Champonship tree years in a row and joining the most known lithuanian hip-hop group G&G Sindikatas.
Being well rounded DJ, he got many opportunities to express himself playing live in biggest Lithuanian jazz festivals, spining records at numerous break dance competitions and recording with bands like Skamp, Shmekla & Vaiper, Sel, as well as with G&G Sindikatas, whos second album sold platinum and is still named the only hip-hop album in Lithuania to reach this status!
Not forgeting true essence, "vinyl freak" Dj Mamania is spinning records at least 2 times a week in clubs, bars and different venues inside and outside Lithuania. All these years of love for dj'ing gave him opportunity to play alongside shuch artists as PHAROE MONCH, DJ FORMAT, LOOPTROOP, JERU THE DAMAJA, BREAKIN BREAD, DJ FIRST RATE, KILLA KELA and etc.
Proud to be a Dj, and that's the truth as Dj Mamania is the only DJ to be awarded as instrumentalist of a year 2002 at Lithuanian music awards! The best is still to come ....
My Blog
Breikas vis dar valdo ... as ir Sipavicius.
Taip jau atsitinka kad viena diena imi ir neberasai blog'o. Ir ne del to kad nebutu apie ka, oj istikruju kiek yra visko, bet tiesiog atideti tai i antra plana vis tikedamasis kad viena diena atsisesi...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Nov 2008 15:51:00 GMT
2 vasaros uzhdarymai ... blyn juk dar vasara!!!
Ojojoj chebra kiek cia visko, spek tik rasyti! =] Chmm renginiu ir geru emociju pilna, nors tarpus tarp ju visdelto siek tiek uzpildes darbas numalsindavo puiku nusiteikima. Anyhow, grojimu maratonas...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 12:20:00 GMT
Isaac Hayes was 2gether
Tokia jau ta savaite, velgi pilna geru ivykiu ir aisku puikiu ispudziu bei naujos patirties. Savaite, kur 4 is 7 dienu buvo susijusios su grojimu. Nedaznai taip buna, taciau jeigu viska gerai suplanav...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 07:02:00 GMT
Saugokis elnio - blogas
Manau toks pavadinimas tikrai nebereikalo, o ir ivadinis paveikslelis byloja pozityvumo ir jumoro doze. Chmm, jau priesh metus tiesioginiame ZIP FM eteryje pazadejau kad pradesiu savo bloga ir pasako...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 12:35:00 GMT