Mr. Lofquist profile picture

Mr. Lofquist

Live like you have never lived before

About Me

From your new perspective, the world will look different. One thing is certain: you will find plenty of worthwhile things to do. You will not be bored, or lack fulfillment in your life.Most important of all, you will know that you have not lived and died for nothing, because you will have become part of the great tradition of those who have responded to the amount of pain and suffering in the universe by trying to make the world a better place.---

My Interests

School, the ladies, Soccer and all the good stuff in between

I'd like to meet:

"you should be ashamed to die if you have not done anything humanitary or something for the well being of human kind."




You Are Absinthe

!!!!You are a sloppy drunk!!!! purposely too, If drinking doesn't make you feel crazy, it's not any fun ! What alcoholic drink are you?




Brave New World... How soccer Explains the WOrld


Mohammed Younus,-this years Nobel peace prize winner

My Blog

Me Myself And I

I have always been drawn towards the temptations in lif e. Ever since i started my decent of drinking and smoking, and many other miscelanious bad things that i dont want to talk about, i end up ...
Posted by - The One & The Only - on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 09:16:00 PST