It's in with the whiskey and out with the gin profile picture

It's in with the whiskey and out with the gin

I am here for Friends

About Me

I love to skateboard, in fact its what I want to do in life. I believe that what you love in life is what makes you get up everyday and give it your all. Thats what I live by and what I skate by. I also love music. Anything I can skate to is alright to me. I don't like Emo, infact I hate the shit. CKY, Bad Religion, Misfits, Ramones, Rolling Stones, Guns n' Roses, are my favorite bands. Next to skateing, Music is my biggest passion in life. Infact while I'm typeing this I'm listining to "Better off dead" by Bad Religion. So thats who and what I am.IM me at gocky2k I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

skateboarding and music

I'd like to meet:

Mike Vallely, Arto Sari, Brian Sumner, Zerd Bassett, Kerry Getz.





Bad religion, CKY, Misfits, NOFX, basicaly anything anit-government


The Boondock Saints, Zero: misled youth, Transworld: I.E., All of the CKY videos...


Everybody that can accualy skate and no matter what, gets their ass out there and does it everyday. The type of people that can brake their ankle and 3 days later skate on it because they can't stand another day without skaten with their friends, which I did.