B r i t t a n i ♥ profile picture

B r i t t a n i ♥

♥ KARMA. what goes around, comes around.♥

About Me

the name is BRittANi .
i blow my candles out on 0Ct0BeR 26 .
100% mexican & proud
i`m a military brat that currently lives in NAPLeS,itALY
i`m a junior at the NAPLeS AMeRiCAN HiGH SCH00L . & i represent it, for now .
don`t judge me .
favorite sport = softball . it`s my passion. i was on the italy all-stars team of `o6
i love my music . it`s my stress-reliever
i love mi cellie & cant leave home without it .
HAtE = DRAMA & fake people! i`d prefer guys over gurls!
i can be a camera whore . & N0, i`m N0t conceited!
the BEStESt gurls = kiesha, glaiza, erica, christian, justine, alyssa, alina, tiara
i`m not afraid to confront someone .
i L0Ve my family so much & can`t live without them.
i dont care wat anyone says about me . i`m only self-conscience about 2 things . but i jus live life as it is
i`m not evil wen i dont smile . i`m jus not in the mood ALL the time to smile . buh i do smile more than alot .
i like to watch movies . H0RR0R is my favorite.
best things about a guy = eyes, smile & personality
biggest fear = RAtS!
i forgive, but never forget .
i dont regret anything
like me or hate me. i really dont care .
everything happens for a reason .
i l o v e y o u!Mi FAV0RitE QU0tES
♥it hurts when you have someone in your heart, but you cant have them in your arms
♥if your asking if i need you, the answer is forever .. if your asking if i`ll leave you, the answer is never .. if your asking what i value, the answer is you .. if your asking if i love you, the answer is i do
♥love isnt about finding the perfect person, its about seeing an imperfect person perfectly
♥love is love, love is you, i love love, so i love you
♥if this is a crush, the i dont know if i could take the real thing if it happens
♥cuz when your hand touches mine, ur not only touching my skin, ur touching my heart
♥when he smiles at me, i cant help but smile back
♥so theres this boy, & he kinda stole my heart
♥the simple things mean the most
♥ALWAYS follow your heart, it may be on the left but its ALWAYS right
♥if loving you is wrong, i dont wanna be right
♥its funny how someone can break your heart & you can still love them with all the little pieces
♥trust me when i say i love you, because i`ll always mean it
♥i loved you once, i love you still, i always have, & always will
♥missing someone gets easier everyday because even though it is one day further from the last time you saw eachother, it is one day closer to the next time you will
♥too often we don't realize what we have until its gone .. too often we wait to long to say "im sorry, i was wrong" .. sometimes it seems we hurt the ones that we hold dearest to our hearts, and we allow foolish things to tear our lives apart
♥giving up doesn't mean youre weak, it means youre strong enough to let go
♥if ever there is a tomorrow when were not together there is something you must always remember, you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think
♥were just stupid girls who fall in love way too easily,laugh way too hard, act like complete dumbasses, make our lives more dramatic than they should be, talk way too much shit, and would be completely lost without each other.
♥we rock ripped jeans && huge sunglasses && party hard personalities && honestly we dont care wat you think of us
♥it`s those days where we sit around && do nothing. it`s the moments we laugh so hard, we cry. it`s the way we look at eachother && know what`s going on through each other`s head. it`s those stupid pictures && the jokes. those are the reasons we`re best friends
♥don't waste your time worrying about boys.
boys will come and go.
don't waste your time caring about people who don't like you
chances are, you don't like them either.
don't waste your time worrying if people are talking about you
you affected their lives, they didn't affect yours.
spend your time with friends.
live for the moment, laugh often
be immature, do anything and everything.
if it's something you will regret in the morning
S l e e p l a t e. your friends are who matter most.
when you have friends, you have everything.
♥i wanna be remembered as the girl who always smiled, even though her heart was broken .. and as the girl who could brighten your day, even when she couldn't brighten her own
♥best friends are people who make your problems, their problems, just so you don`t have to go through them alone

My Interests

♥listenin` to music
♥hangin` out wit frenz
♥chattin` ..
♥talkin` on the fone
♥BOYS .. //mai cuzin nathan // we aLL luv n miss u soOo much !! // uR NEVER gonna b 4gotten .. // R.I.P nate .. // u wiLL ALWAYS b one of mai heRoes .. //

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