Love taking pictures of every day things, minus people, cause they are boring lol. Then love reading. Pretty much will try any author once so give a few that you enjoy. Hanging out with my friends. Well I miss everyone living on campus cause we use to get together so much more often. Now we are lucky if we get together once or twice a quarter :(. Listening to music. Learning how to drink.. thats always a fun one. There are a few things I like to drink so I'm keeping up on those and trying new ones once in a great while.
I have already met the boy of my dreams, his name is Rob Holts, and he is the best. He has stole my heart and he won't give it back to me, which I'm okay with. We have three wonderful kitties, and I couldn't ask for more.
Pretty easy going with my music. You put on something I will get use to it so I don't hear it or I will love it and turn it up, or I will hate it and turn it off. Rap is usually the only thing I will turn off. The music I listen to depends on what mood I'm in the that time of day. Today nice sunny warm and I'm listening to all kinds of country songs, it flips a gray cloudy day and I'm listening to Smash Mouth or Train, Sublime, Crossfade, Linkin Park. I don't really have a favorite just like it all, and depends on my mood.
Dirty Dance (both), Aladin, The Lion King, Day after Tomorrow, Apollo 13, The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Twister, Space Cowboys and many more. I love movies where the world is going to come to an end, and I also love romance movies. Rob and I have netflix now so I'm seeing alot more movies.
These are ones I usually don't miss unless its a rerun: Gilmore Girls, 7th Heaven, Greys Ant, One Tree Hill, Dawson's Creek. The ones I will watch if bored and they are on: Golden Girls, Full House, Family Matters, The Wonder Years, Home Improvement, Family Guy, Friends, Will and Grace, Darma and Greg, Just Shoot Me. The ones I wish still ran Blossom.
All Nora Roberts. Greg Ilies, Nicholas Sparks, Nicholas Evans, Linda Lael Miller, and a few others. I love to read romance and northwest fiction. I love seeing the tale of time through books. Janet Daily does a really good series called The Calders. I just started to read Harry Potter, its not to bad.
Superman, and then my grandpa (he is my own super hero) and my personal SuperMan