iM CaSeY P =) I haVe The 2 GReATeST SiStERs ANYONE CoULd AsK fOR.. iTs NoT OfTeN u Can CaLL yoUR SiSteRS yoUR bESt FRieNds:) I LiKe JeTsKiiNG, eating Ice cream, and having soft nights with my kev n Jen. I miss my 2 bestest friends in the world, My dude shibby sweet and my lil hoochie Jackie B. i HATE LiARS!! I dont like stuck up people who THINK they are beTTeR than oTheRs, and I VERY much so despise MEAN people. Lifes to short to not forgive and forget. :)YoU haVe To LeaRn To MaKe THe BeST oUTTa EvERYThiNG- NoT eVeRyThinG in LiFe WiLL Go YouR waY, MoST The TiMe WheN iT doEsNT,iTs FoR The BeTTeR. Im PReTTY MuCh a doWn To EaRTh KiNda giRL, i JusT LoVe HAViNG fUN:) ThaTs aLL;)Myspace Graphics
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