Crystal profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I just turned 29 but I feel younger. I am currently a trainer where I work and enjoy it most of the time. I like almost everyone I work with. It take a lot to make me angry but once it happens people better watch out! Most of the time I'm very easy going. Some people have described be as being perky, always happy which I can be but I definitely have a dark side as well. If I had more money I would own a ranch in which to house all of my animals, but I would also want to hire people to clean up after them. I like the fun part of playing with the animals, not neccessarily the dirty job of cleaning up after them. I am very close to my mother's side of the family. We are a close knit family and very protective of one another. On the whole my family life has been like the Osbournes' as far as the dysfuntion and animals running around, however we didn't have the benefits of Daddy's money. I am crazy in the sense that I have five dogs and four cats, and yet I also say they keep me sane. animal layout @ HOT music / movies

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with a great sense of humor and a good heart. No more drama is needed in my life.

My Blog

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