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No Two People Are The Same. To Each Their Own.

About Me

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Celtic grave

So much has changed lately. So much about me, about who I am, the things that make me me. I am generally very quiet, though from time to time you can't get me to shut up. I am usually to myself and quite antisocial, though from time to time, I take streaks where I wan to be around everyone, and anyone. I love solitude but I hate loneliness. I am conflicted, I do not know exactly what I want out of life, yet at the same time, I know I want something better than what I have, and damn sure better than the hand I have been dealt in the past. I am dark and gloomy, yet bright and happy. I am laid back, but high strung, nonviolent, but aggressive. I do not like to inflict pain upon others, physical or emotional, yet I will do so if the need arises. I live my life according to the values that I have come to put my faith in as I grew up, and learned more about the world,and the people in it. Honor, Courage, Honesty, Loyalty, Respect, Self-Discipline, Self-Sacrifice, Decency, and the ability to stand up against the things I think are wrong. I am a Warrior. I will never inflict unneeded harm upon others, but if someone feels the need to bring it that bad, and I cannot defuse the situation with words, I will NEVER back down from a good fight. I am a Poet, a worker of words, a thoughtful individualist. An opponent of oppression of all kind, and defender of those weaker than myself. I am a caring friend, who will sacrifice his own needs for the benefit of those he cares about. A philosopher, a Guardian, a man fallen from grace, who has climbed his way out of the darkness only become more in touch with himself. A lost soul, who had forgotten himself for many years, and rediscovered himself.The quiet man in the corner who finally stood up and spoke out one day, and never stopped. One one will never suffer the shadows of silence again.My words have always been a huge part of who I am, and in the last few years, I had forgotten how to properly use them. Closed off from the world. Always thinking, but no longer writing it, or speaking it. I have once again opened opened my soul to allow it to speak to the world around me. This is who I am. What more can I say? I cannot please everyone, and I do not try. I do what I can to please those I love, as long as it does not interfere with who I am.

You are the Hanged Man

Self-sacrifice, Sacrifice, Devotion, Bound.

With the Hanged man there is often a sense of fatalism, waiting for something to happen. Or a fear of loss from a situation, rather than gain.

The Hanged Man is perhaps the most fascinating card in the deck. It reflects the story of Odin who offered himself as a sacrifice in order to gain knowledge. Hanging from the world tree, wounded by a spear, given no bread or mead, he hung for nine days. On the last day, he saw on the ground runes that had fallen from the tree, understood their meaning, and, coming down, scooped them up for his own. All knowledge is to be found in these runes.

The Hanged Man, in similar fashion, is a card about suspension, not life or death. It signifies selflessness, sacrifice and prophecy. You make yourself vulnerable and in doing so, gain illumination. You see the world differently, with almost mystical insights.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Your Dominant Intelligence is Intrapersonal Intelligence
Reflective and thoughtful, you enjoy spending time alone.
You are good at analyzing yourself - and knowing your true feelings.
Totally self aware, you are in tune with your dreams and desires.
A spiritual and philopsophical person, your inner calmness inspires and helps others.
You would make a great philosopher, researcher, or theorist. What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

My Interests

The Past
Role Playing Games
Ninja Training

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet people that are for real. People that that I can relate to, and who do not judge others by their sex, race, religion, orientation and looks, but by their words and deeds, and by thier hearts. I do not want to meet people that care only for making drama. I have enough of it in my own life without having people start more for me.


Dropkick Murphies- I love Irish music, especially when combined with punk rock =P
Nine Inch Nails, System of a Down, Tiger Army, Rancid, Tool, Pink Floyd, Godsmack, Linkin Park, Switchblade Symphony, Iced Earth, Rage Against the Machine, Hellyeah, I mean, come on, check the playlist on the player =P


Give me a good epic/fantasy adventure and im happy till it's over- LOTR FTW
I like drama and action, and comedy as well, but not those rediculously stupid ones...


Television numbs a person. I hate it. Always getting sucked into those damned things.
Movies or games.
I would rather play a video game, where I can at least use my brain and give my thumbs a workout.


The Lord of the Rings
Wheel of Time
Forgotten Realms Titles.
Yes, I have quite a bit of geek in me.


The Dropkick Murphys
Cyrano De Bergerac
Finn mac Cumhail
Tim Armstrong

My Blog

A few of my poems

Serenity I want to stare into those big brown eyes, And taste your pale pink lips. Hold your body close, And caress those sexy hips.I want to smell that long brown hair, Oh the way it falls around you...
Posted by Jamie on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 10:31:00 PST

These people protect us????

Some of you already know that a friend of mine, Bruce, recently hung himself.I didn't know Bruce for a real long time or anything, but I knew of him many years before I finally met the man, myself.My ...
Posted by Jamie on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 01:56:00 PST

I cant keep doing this!!!!

It kills me, you know....Seeing friends, family, people I care about, wasting themselves away with pills and alcohol, meth, crack, and various other drugs.Yeah, I smoke pot. Every day.I don't live my ...
Posted by Jamie on Sun, 13 May 2007 08:49:00 PST

Sleepless Nights

I really dont understand it...Friday rolls around, and I stay out all night, from the time I get off work work friday, till the sun comes up on saturday, im out and about, running around like crazy.Wh...
Posted by Jamie on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 09:30:00 PST

Literature for those who's Televisions have exploded

Heh, I got alot to talk about, and no one to tell it to!I dont have a huge list of mysspace friends. Pretty small compared to most of the people I know. But I dont go around adding every random perso...
Posted by Jamie on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 04:14:00 PST

omghi2u! been awhile

Well, it's been awhile since I posted one of these things.I have a million and one things I can talk about, hehe. I dont even know where to begin at this point.What makes it worse is that so many sign...
Posted by Jamie on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 01:50:00 PST

To Friends! /cheers

You know, how kinda funn how fast things can turn around.Here I was just 2 weeks ago, completely on edge, ready for my life to end and just HOPING for exactly that to happen. I was depressed, hurt, co...
Posted by Jamie on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 03:59:00 PST


What can I say? Life Sucks. It doesn't get much simpler than that, really. Tomorrow morning, I have taken off work to go sit in the courthouse with my girlfriend. I have no clue what is going to happ...
Posted by Jamie on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 09:28:00 PST