Dancing, Sigma Phi Epsilon (my fraternity), Being a wealthy yet well rounded man, exotic women(exotic in apperance,style,taste,knowledge AND looks), Video games, Cars, interesting aspects of History, science, Business and politics. oh yea and football. Madden ? Anytime anywhere...
Aaron Mcgruder, Malcolm X, Huey Newton, Senetor Barack Obama,Che Guevarra, David Icke, Dave Chappelle, MLK, Bobby Seale, Quinten Tarentino, The creators/writers for Grand Theft auto (all 4 games), The WU(yes every member), MF doom(hip hop Genius), Samuel L Jackson, and all those who are REALLY responsible for the assasinations of, Malcolm x,John F Kennedy, Tupac Shakur and Christopher (B.I.G) Wallace R.I.P.
Your Political Profile:
Overall: 35% Conservative, 65% Liberal
Social Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?
Rap / hip hop, R&b, Urban contemporary, Some jazz, Some alternative rock, Some punk rock, Classic rock, Some Pop, Underground/conscious hip hop, Reggae, and even a little classical.
Crash, Saw(all 3), Traffic, Snatch, Blow,Grandmas boy,300,The Warriors,Kids, Spun, Troy, Lord of the rings all 3 of them, The Matrix, Gangster No.1, Don't Be a Menace, Ninja Scroll, Any wu-tang oldschool kung fu movie, 300, Office space, Scary movies, Fun w/ dick and Jane, Scarface, Requium for a dream. Scary Movies! Basically.... too many to name.
ENTOURAGE, Flight of the Conchords, Comedy Central: Dave Chappelle, The Daily Show, Colbert Report. Adult swim : The BOONDOCKS(greatest show on TV) ,Family guy , Aqua teens, Sealab, and futurama, The simpsons, SOUTH PARK, Football when the jets are playing, MTV and BET when nothing else is on. History channel and Cnn/ Cspan are good too. BBC NEWS!
Sun Tzu's: The Art Of War, The Da Vinci Code,The tipping point,Milk in my coffee,The Dilbert Future,The Taking(and most dean koontz books), The Andromeda Strain, The Sphere, Right to be hostile or ANY book by Aaron Mcgruder(ESPECIALLY BIRTH OF A NATION),and last but not least: The complete idiots guide to World conflicts.
MF DOOM For a level of wordplay and lyrical/musical Creativity that is seemingly impossible,AARON MCGRUDER for saying the important shit that NEEDS to be said no matter what anyone else thinks or says. And because he is a genius,P DIDDY for his ability to be a multi millionaire with out any specificly honed talent,MY FATHER for starting with nothing and workin his way up makin a sombody out of himself and fully supporting me and my family,My COUSIN Creaghan for being a true entrapaneur/millionaire and still maintaining his college-like party animalness .. and the epitomy of what I aspire to be.