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About Me
My work is affected, inevitably, by having been in close contact with nature.
My work is the opposite of man's course, leaving home, the cave and returning to nature; a pilgrim's work.
Humans deal with space. We can move around, we are free in space. Plants deal with time, and have a far greater existence. Plants are free in time. They are capable of interrupting the seed's germination, which is in fact an interrupted pregnancy, in order to germinate at a favorable time.
When I leave my work in the fields, forests and dry riverbeds, it not only captures the physical, spatial element, but also the energetic element. When it is in nature, it begins to identify with it, and to react to this body.
The intention in my work is to go beyond the four walls protecting it, to use space and go beyond. Go beyond the four walls and be affected by the conditions of time, by circumstances, as Ortega y Gasset puts it.
This is the video of my current exhibition in Saint James' Path. This exposition will last two years and it's held in Puente la Reina, in El Peregrino Hotel.
When I left my painting in Orbigo - I did a composition with the local flowers, used pigments, acrylic painting, paper and glue. Once the compositions made, I put them underneath to rest for a month in the soil:

Here's the result a month later (July 2007):
The Four Times
“Burying of Art” by Christina Oiticica

My Blog

Camino Peregrino - El

Camino Peregrino en Madrid - Reportaje de Javier Heras
Posted by on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 06:01:00 GMT

Découvre cet événement: Exposición Camino Peregrino

Organisateur :Biondetta Art GalleryDate / Heure :vendredi 3 juillet 2009Où:Biondetta Art GalleryAlmagro 30Madrid28010Description:Biondetta Art Gallery tiene el placer de invitarle a la exposición "Cam...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 07:50:00 GMT

Découvre cet événement: Exhibition Caminho Peregrino

Convite Exposição Caminho Peregrino
Posted by on Fri, 24 Apr 2009 07:07:00 GMT

Découvre cet événement: Exhibition Camiño Peregrino

Organisateur :Via GalegoDate / Heure :mercredi 13 mai 2009Où:Igrexa da UniversidadePraza da Universidade, s/nSantiago de CompostelaDescription:SAVE THE DATE Wednesday, May 13th, 2009 8pm Opening ...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Mar 2009 07:41:00 GMT

Download here my 2009 calendar!

You can download the calendar in A4 format, by clicking here.An Adobe Acrobat will open. Then you have to click on the print button (left side of the screen) or you have to save the calendar in your d...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 13:24:00 GMT

Entrevista "O Fabuloso Mundo de Christina Oiticica"

Entrevista que Christina Oiticica concedeu ao jornal Periodicamente/Italia. Acesse o link abaixo: Em português: O Fabuloso Mundo de Christina OiticicaEm Italiano:il Favoloso Mondo di Christina Oiticic...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 02:37:00 GMT