Add Me On Msn It's [email protected]
And Add Me On InkedNation
And Add Me On
Name: Lloyd Alexander McCrossan.
Mental Age: 11/90.
Physical Age: 18.
Sex: With Cat.
Gender: Male.
Status: Long Term Relationship.
IQ: 115
In Face.
5 In Lip, Three At 2.4mm
1 In Left Cheak
1 In Right Cheak
2 In Right Eyebrow.
1 In Left Eyebrow.
1 In Nasal Bridge.
2 In Septom. Both At 2.4mm.
20mm Strech In Left Ear.
22mm Strech In Right Ear.
In body.
1 In PA (Prince Albert) 3.2mm "Yes That Is My Penis"
Bob Tyrill Skull On My Left Arm.
Bob Tyrill Evil Clown, Underneath Skull.
Bob Tyrill Swirl Skull, Underneath Evil Clown (Unfinished).
Paul Booth Bubble Eyeball On The Inside Of My Left Elbow.
XIII On Right Wrist.
Bob Tyrill Skull With Eyeball On The Inside Of My Right Elbow.
Lazy Pan Pipe Demon On Right Arm (Unfinished.
More To Come Soon!
Hair Colour: Black.
Hair length: Half Way Down My Back.
Beard Colour: Ginger.
Beard Length: 3 Inches.
Eye Colour: Green.
Location: Braunston, Daventry, Northamptonshire, England.
Deformaties: Extreamly large right big toe.
About Lloyd: A boy 18 years of age born on the 13th of july 1990.
Is a grade 8 Guitarist and wants to know absolutly evrything to do with the intrument.
Follows the quote " Its better to know it and not need it, than it is to not know it and need it" like its a religion.
Aspiring to be a music producer & guitar tech. Is in two bands one named "Scorched Deity" and the other called "Aterkrieg" both are doing pritty well.
Loves mostly all cartoons, retro games and some modern ones too.
Like him or Hate him, it makes no differance, just dont give him any grief.