Strategically located in Washington, DC, the AHA actively educates the public about Humanism, brings Humanists together for mutual support and action, defends the civil liberties and constitutional freedoms of Humanists—indeed of all peoples—and leads both local and national Humanist organizations toward progressive societal change. Through a strong network of over 100 grassroots organizations, appearances in national media, an advanced Internet presence, regular public appearances, and a broad spectrum of publications, the AHA is the VOICE OF HUMANISM.
Over the years, many women and men who embrace Humanism and who have worked closely with the AHA have contributed greatly toward the betterment of our world. Among them are:
Novelists Margaret Atwood, Kurt Vonnegut, and Alice Walker Environmentalist Lester R. Brown Women’s rights proponents Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem Elder citizens advocate Maggie Kuhn Economist John Kenneth Galbraith Entrepreneur Ted Turner Evolutionary scientist Edward O. Wilson Abortion rights champions Faye Wattleton and Bill Baird Director Oliver Stone Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg.
Earlier Humanists included Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, Andrei Sakharov, Erich Fromm, A. Philip Randolph, Margaret Sanger, Gene Roddenberry, Julian Huxley, Brock Chisholm, John Dewey, Bertrand and Dora Russell, and Albert Einstein.
The American Humanist Association has honored these individuals as well as many others to recognize their contributions on behalf of humanity.
American Humanist Association