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Glittery texts by
PeoPLe See Me aS MaTaRaY, SuPLaDa, PLaSTiC, MaLDiTa, Bi-aTCH, DeMoNYiTa, PLaYeR, uSeR... aLL THe NeGaTiVe TRaiTS You CaN eVeR GiVE To a PeRSoN... BuT HoNeSTLY SPeaKiNG, i'M oNLY HuMaN... i aM MaTaRaY FoR THoSe WHo DoeSN'T KNoW Me... MaYBe iT'S THeRe FiRST iMPReSSioN... WeLL i'LL GiVe THeM THaT... SuPLaDa! oH YeS! i aM SuPLaDa.. BuT aS i aLWaYS SaY.. To THoSe i BaReLY KNoW... i HaTe PeoPLe WHo aRe So... MaaRTe.. YuNG MGa FeeLiNG CoNio? TaKe NoTe! "F-E-E-L-I-N-G C-O-N-I-O" MaSKi HiNDi NaMaN.... BaBaRaHiN Ko LaNG KaYo WHaT'S WiTH THeM? YuNG LiaR! & YuNG CoPY CaT! KaYa NGa MeDYo PLaSTiC aKo Sa TaoNG NaKiKiPaG PLaSTiKaN SaKiN.. BuT i CaN Be aS FRaNK aS a BiTCH! CoZ i'M a BiTCH!BiTCH STaNDS FoR: B-BEAUTIFUL I- INTELLIGENT T-TALENTED C-CHARMING H-HORNY (*WINK*)See...MaLDiTa? i'M MaLDiTa.. We HaVe ouR oWN WaYS oF BeiNG MaLDiTa.... BuT iF i WaNT To HuRT HiS oR HeR FeeLiNGS.. i CouLD aLSo Do THaT.. JuST DoN'T PuSH iT! i GeT aNGRY eaSiLY...uSeR? oFCouRSe NoT... MaYBe iT'S THe oTHeR WaY aRouND! PLaYeR? THaT WaS BeFoRe.. i'D LeaRNeD MY LeSSoN... (KaRMa)DeMoNYiTa: i aDMiT!HoW aBouT TeLLiNG You THe oTHeR SiDe oF Me...i'M a PeRSoN WHo'S FRieNDLY... NoT To BRaG,BuT i CouLD aLSo Be YouR WoRST eNeMy! BeLieVe Me! i'M KiND, BuT iF You'Re THe PeRSoN WHo GoeS BeYoND MY LiMiT... GooDLuCK! i'M a VeRY SWeeT PeRSoN... ReaLLY... i caN be sTrong but vulneRable..i Can be tOugh yEt gentLe...i caN bE opEn yeT resErved..I can laugh and still feel empty insidE....i can bE smart yEt gOofY...I can be a heartbreaker yet I.m capabLe of loving someone likE tHere.s no tOmorrOw....i.m vEry paradoxical...and tHe waY I move to two exTremEs makes mE sOmehow extraOrdinary...naks....What else can I say about me hmmm...well...I.m a very simple girl who smiles a friends say i.m such a nerd but what can I do?! But I honestly think I don.t look like one! Hahahaha....Oh mind is everywhere right now so my thoughts are very disorganized...Honesty is definitely on the top 5 of the most important things in mylife..I can.t be with somebody who lies a lot! I.m a pretty rational times when I really should be so angry...i.m having energy shift towards calmness and I try to think clearly... I like doin my own thing with very little regard to other.s perceptions..who cares right??! I.m very reserved with my emotions.. I don.t say .I Love YOu. quite often to someone that i do love..but when I say that I do...I really mean it...i love taking care of myself...i guess I could say i am kinda wild i had my times in my days. i dont take shit from anybody. If u talk shit, i'll give u shit! Well thats pretty much about S A B R I N A!! *My little saying for those who have hurt me*-I do forgive but I DON'T forget. U fuck me over once, u are capable to do it again!! I love to laugh and have as much fun as I can and that's all you need to know. At least for now that is.....oh well...just add me [email protected] i dare you to be my friend?TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey
Name: mekEsHA SabRiNA kIm MAnzano
Birthplace: MAnila
Current Location: faiRvIEw Q.c, LaSpInAS pULaNg LUpA(LAsPINaS ROyAL)
Eye Color: BroWN
Hair Color: brOwn
Height: 5'5"
Right Handed or Left Handed: rIGHt
Your Heritage: HUh???
The Shoes You Wore Today: SliPPerZ
Your Weakness: manY To meNtions
Your Fears: cOcKRoacHez
Your Perfect Pizza: aLL KInd OF PizzA
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: LiVE LIFE tO THE fUlleST & bE a gOOd Gurl*WINK*
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lolz
Thoughts First Waking Up: My CELLFoNE and mY baBy (MY doGS)
Your Best Physical Feature: bODy & mY EyEs
Your Bedtime: 3-4am
Your Most Missed Memory: WhEn i wAS sHoOt iN mY kNEe
Pepsi or Coke: BoTh
MacDonalds or Burger King: MCDonALds
Single or Group Dates: SinGLE
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:
Chocolate or Vanilla: cHoCOLAte
Cappuccino or Coffee: CappUcINO
Do you Smoke: Yes
Do you Swear: HELL nO
Do you Sing: ????
Do you Shower Daily:
Have you Been in Love: YeS (a LOT)
Do you want to go to College: I Grad ALlready
Do you want to get Married: yAp of COurse
Do you belive in yourself: yyYYyyyEEEeeeeeeSSSsssssss
Do you think you are Attractive: ?????
Are you a Health Freak: HUh????
Do you get along with your Parents: oF COuRSe
Do you like Thunderstorms: Nope
Do you play an Instrument: YAP
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Of coUrse (evEry FRiRday and SAt)
In the past month have you Smoked: oF cOuRSE
In the past month have you been on Drugs: HELL no
In the past month have you gone on a Date: YAp
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yAp
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: pAck ONly
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: YAP (last fRIday)
In the past month have you been on Stage: NO...........
In the past month have you been Dumped: yEAH......=)
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: yES
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: heLL No
Ever been Drunk: noT yEt
Ever been called a Tease: yyyyyyyyyYYeEEEEEEsssssssssssSSSSS
Ever been Beaten up: my HEArt
Ever Shoplifted: hELL nO
How do you want to Die: bY an aCCidEnt
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: i GrOw Up aLready
What country would you most like to Visit: HOnGkONg.....HAwai....ThAiland.....u.s.a....
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: bRown
Favourite Hair Color: ANythINg
Short or Long Hair: KALbo
Height: at LeaSt 5'8"
Weight: ?????
Best Clothing Style: bOXEr
Number of Drugs I have taken: 0
Number of CDs I own: ??????
Number of Piercings: 3
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of things in my Past I Regret:&..39;
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