Hello there and thanks for finding 'My Space' here you can find out what I'm doing and where I'm doing it!! A bit about me well, I have 1000s upon 1000s of Live television experience, but lets start at the beginning.........
MY HISTORY - The world of TV started for me in Cambridge, I'd done a little radio before this, at the station known as REDTV, it's famous!!! It was so much fun and was allowed to have so much input ahhh great days!!! From there moved to NTL stations. After this I went onto do some various promotions around the country and the world, I was even the official mascot at the european championships in Portugal (got to watch the games for free)
I then decided to get back into tv and started doing Live Roulette on sky channel 866.
I then moved onto DEAL TV, and Dealtv U.S.A. in Los Angeles.
I am now once again spinning that wheel on the most fun of all the roulette shows at the SuperCasino on sky 866 and Freeview. I can also be seen on many shopping infomercials.
I appear at various functions and events around the country as a compere/host/mc, I love live events and will be doing many more around the country in the near future.
As well as tv I do some voiceover work and even dabble in the world of modelling, have a look at some of my pics :)
My personal website is: www.roblamarr.com
All the best
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