I'd like to meet:
Hot chicks to hang out with and chat.
If your looking for a run through Tyria, message me here stating start location and ending location and your in game name along with any other info you feel is necessary, and well setup a meeting.
Darkest Souls is also always recruiting. However we dont mind to grab people who are new to the Guild Wars experience, but everyone in our guild can also play indepenatly of each other so dont just ask to be invited looking for us to play the game for you
We enjoy farming and gaining money, we do AB, PvP, and of course PvE. Occasionaly we do HA, but dont ever have enough people on to be a guild group. Someday once big enough, well do GvG as well.
I have only been in four guilds my entire career and my first guild ranked 80 on the ladder, but was later disbaned due to drama issues. But then I finaly found my place in the Guild Wars community under the guild Darkest Souls [Ds]. We havent acomplished as much as I did in my first guid, but I sure wouldnt change it for the world. Darkest Souls is my family and maybe someday yours as well.
Trance! Its the music of all music. Keeps me in rythem, alert and on my toes till the very end.
Adult Swim
So You Wanna Be A Whamo? -Giver Of Boo Boos
The Stance Tank -Giver Of Boo Boos
Mending And You -Giver Of Boo Boos
Giver of Boo Boos (gonna be just like him when i grow up!)
The Little Mountain Troll That Could
The Daily Ritualist Dance
Woot Survivor Baby!