Reading,Knitting,Painting,Baking,Movies,Shoes, Friends,Music,The Zoo,Walking,Art,Cooking, Dresses,Ben and Jerrys, Crossword- puzzles,Shopping,yoga-fitness, my bicycle...
A World made of chocolate. And someone who would take a bicykle roadtrip to Helsingør with me.
KT Tunstall,Leonard Cohen, Belle&Sebastian,Beck,Johnny Cash,Radiohead,Blur,Nick Cave,David Bowie, Dinasour jr.,Teitur,Nick Drake,Tori Amos,Jeff Buckley,Snoop Dog, The cure,Franz Ferdinand,Stan Getz....
Army of Darkness,Evil dead,Matchpoint,The Jacket,Bubba Ho-tep,Pride&Prejudice,Dogma,Lost Highway, Being John Malkowich, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas,Broken flowers,A Streetcar named Desire, All kinds off horrormovies and many many more...
Prison Break,Grey's anatomy,C.S.I,Bones,Midsummer Murders,scrubs,Matador,Twin Peaks.
Jane Austen, Henry Miller,John Fante,Candace Robb,Sjõval og Wahlö,Ole Lund Kirkegaard,Henry James, Christopher Moore, Hemmingway, Charles Bukowski....
Alfons Mucha,Bruce Campbell,Coco Chanel,Jane Austen,Johnny Depp,Jesus,Wolverine,Oliver Heath,Ben & Jerry, Frank H. Netter and many More..