I'm a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, an animal lover. I'm 39 years old and happily married to a kind,gentle, generous, and caring person. I am blessed to have him in my life as my husband and best friend. He is hardworking anddedicated to being the best husband and father he can be. There is no end to his capacity to love, protect, and nuturethose close to him.
Tone's first thought is to always focus on the best in everyone. And because of this, he also brings out the bestin me. He brings a sense of calmness and completeness to my life.
I couldn't imagine a better life than the one I have right now. I wake up every morning happy and grateful for everything thatGOD has given me. Not many people can say that they are completely satisfied with the journey that life has taken them on, but Iam proud to say that I am one of the few that can. Since this section is supposed to be "About Me", I'm going to tell youeverything you could possibly want to know about me.
I am a wonderful person, wife and mother. In addition to be loving and supportive, I'm caring, compassionate, and thoughtfulperson. I enjoy reading, writing, music and art.
Our Family.
As a family, we love to make each other laugh and enjoy spending time together. Our families are very important to us and weenjoy visiting with them. There are always stories, laughter, food and fun when we get together.