About Me
a little of my self....love is my gratest fear besides snakes...lol, but i cant wait to fall in love,i always end up getting hurt. i am a pretty outgoing person. i love to laugh and always have a good time, i like to put all my problems to the side and enjoy having fun doing whatever. I always try my hardest to get whatever i want..even if it meens getting in trouble...as long as its worth what am figthing for am whiling to get F'd over..lol. i love any type of guy....but they have to be funny, but serious when nesesarie,tall,love's music,forgiving,understadidng,and most of all a guy that is going to love me no matter what. [I HATE IMATURE GUYS] and the ones who dont know what they want in life. i love DC,VOLCOM,ABERCROMBIE,HOLLISTER,A.E. My family, friends always come before anything. i love my dad, he has always been there for me and i know he will always be there for me. i love sandals.....and jeans. i love orange juice, lipgloss, shopping, taking long walks and just [cuddling] black is my fav color....lol most of the time i am a pretty complicated but am sure u'll find it interesting.
i hate talking on the phone so i dont expect people to call on regular bases. i like to feel comfortable in whatever i wear so SRY if i dont always look my best.i am very nice unless u pist me off or i dont like you at all, ill still pretend to be your friend. I am pretty chill about anything [except getting cheated on] i will rip your head off!...i hate people who think they are better then everyone else just cause they have a nice car, house, clothing, whatever it is. i love taking long rides in my car, driving fast,for no reason and no destination. omg i gota go now am tired...so hit me up at any time