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About Me

Max has been playing good music since the age of 17. His first gig was actually in front of eight thousand people in the early 90's during the "big boom" of Club Culture. Like us all [who spend their nights behind some mixers], once you get that buzz that other people enjoy the music you enjoy and play, then you are seriously hooked. Music is actually the greatest soul food to share, the connection of others enjoying is like no other.Like most of the djs involved in the movement, the followin' step is producing their own music. Max does that for several years with his "partner in crime" Luca Loi. The duo had great satisfactions having productions published all across Europe and even in North America.Max Bondino obviously has an amazing connection to people as he is a moderator and speaker on Radio City during the day, spinnin' great records in northern Italy by night...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

"Pensate a cio' che di meglio sia possibile fare usando una mano soltanto. Dare gas alla vostra moto, qualche piacevole sessione di autoerotismo, cambiare stazione radio trovando, all'improvviso, Lullaby dei Cure. Accarezzare chi ami, festeggiare un goal scagliando il pugno chiuso contro il cielo o premere il pulsante di un ascensore che ti porta lì, all'appuntamento che sognavi da sempre. Quando accade che diverse migliaia di persone si muovano, si divertano, migliorino il proprio umore grazie ad un intuitivo scatto della tua mano, bhè vita, un po', ti cambia".

Max Bondino



La Noche Feroce [Il Ritorno]

My Blog

Jack & Joy - To be a Man [Max Bondino vs Luca Loi] Electrofunk from Jack & Joy. Written, recorded and produced by Max Bondino and Luca Loi at Little 15 Studio.
Posted by on Fri, 09 May 2008 07:52:00 GMT