About Me
75 Random Questions:
100-Question Survey:
1. Do you like your name? Yeah, I think I pretty much look like a Lori.
2. Have you ever wished to be your opposite sex? Ew, no.
3. If you were to have children, what would you name them? I like the name Jane... I said that to someone the other day and they laughed at me...
4. Do you even like kids? Yeah! I do, I don't want my own quite yet, but yes.
5. What time do you usually go to sleep on a weekday? On a weekend? I feel like if I Get to sleep before 2 am on any given night, I am lucky.
6. What's your favorite word? I don't have one these days, I'll have to work on that.
7. Have you ever tYpED lYk dIs at some point in your life? No. Gross.
8. What's your dream career? Nanopharmaceuticals!
9. If you could be any other race, what would you be? Italian? Pretty much the same with darker skin and hair
10. What are you listening to right now? WHURRRRRRRR
11. Grab any book by you, turn to page 69 and type out the last full sentence here: You will even learn a 5-minute routine of simple movements you can do to stay healthy and stress-free. (From a coupon book)
12. Do you like country music? Rap? No. sometimes!
13. How would you like to die? Some wicked sweet way. OR a freak accident.
14. Do you like taking pictures (not necessarily of yourself)? Ummmm, yeah. A touch. I have roughly 3,000 pictures on my computer
15. Do you use ":]" a lot? Sometimes!
16. Are your neighbors annoying? Not really.
17. Ice cream or popsicles? Ice cream
18. What was the last thing you drank? Water. Boring, heh.
19. The last time you left your house? Where did you go? I left 7 hours ago... to Hang out with the Haveners and to go to Red Arrow with Dana.
20. Are you loving life? Haha. Interesting question, I don't know if my major allows for that..
21. Do you like the way you write? Yes.
22. What's your favorite animal? Penguins are really cute
23. How many times have you used the restroom today? Wow. I actually have no idea..
24. Are you hungry right now? Nope, I just came from Red Arrow. It was delicious.
25. Turn on your TV (unless it's already on). What's playing? Too lazy to do this.
26. Do you like video games? YES, Oh my GOD Guitar Hero
27. What's your favorite Pokemon? ....Pickachu?
28. What was the last thing you watched on YouTube? I'm Pretty sure it was jizzed in my pants, heh.
29. Are you cool with bugs? Bugs yes, spiders no.
30. Do you like Halloween? YES!
31. What do you want for your birthday/Christmas? Um, I pretty much got what I wanted for Christmas.
32. Have you ever fasted? Hahaha, for like, 4 hours.
33. What's going on tomorrow? Heading to Mass with Erik
34. Are you doing well in school? Ugh. School bitch-slapped me this semester.
35. Do you have online friends? Yes
36. Do you think you're popular? Um, not really. I'm not a reject, I have a reasonable amount of firends, I'd say?
37. How much money's in your wallet? ... $50!
38. When was the last time you laughed really hard? Ummm... The Yankee Swap monday, heh.
39. What's on the cover of your science binder? It's blank
40. Do you believe there's such thing as an non-racist person? Nope.
41. Do you pass on chain letters? The real ones, sometimes.
42. What do you do for fun at home? Hang out with my friends in their house. Or work, hah.
43. Can you wiggle your ears? No, I wish
44. Why did the chicken cross the road?
45. Do you like your voice? Yes? I kind of have to, I live with it
46. Are you good at receiving/giving compliments? Haha, I Think I'm good at neither
47. Have you ever won a contest? Yeah, I think at some point
48. What are you using for your messenger avatar/icon? Milton from Office Space
49. Can you imitate something/someone well? Hahahaha Terri....
50. What's your favorite amusement park? Canobie!
51. Do you have any REAL autographs (not the cheap ones on posters!) of famous people? Nothing major.
52. Do you cry easily? No, but sometimes I cry and I'm not sad and that... is weird
53. What's something you do at home that you don't do in public? Sing really loud
54. What do you think about boyfriends/girlfriends? They are ok. :-)
55. What's something you regret doing as a child? Drinking whole milk
56. Have you ever met a gay person? ...Yeah. I don't live in a closet. Haha, no pun intended.
57. Where do you think wind comes from? ... the rotation of the earth? I don't know
58. Do you like sour cream? Yep!
59. What color are your fingernails? Plain... I keep meaning to paint them, but..
60. Do you like animal crackers? Yeah!
61. Can you do a split? Um, I could the last time I checked. Who knows about right now. Probably not.
62. What do you smell like? ...Lori?
63. Have you ever done anything stupid at a drive-thru? I walked through one once
64. Do you like to use song lyrics that relate to you? Yeah
65. Do you have a problem with odd numbers? No. I make fun of people who do, though, haha
66. What's something you're proud of? That I have time to be bored~
67. Do you think you'd be a cool teacher? No, I'd suck
68. What are your pet peeves? People who don't go to class because it's rainy/ people who make excuses
69. Do you know what the number 69 represents? ...dumb question
70. How do you pronounce "caramel"? car-mel
71. If you could be any animal in the world, what would you like to be? A bird Any bird.
72. Are you the jealous type? I think I can be, but I don't do it much lately
73. Do you keep a journal/diary? Sort of. I don't really keep up with it.
74. Have you ever used Xanga? Nope
75. Do you have a made-up language/alphabet? Hehe, no.
76. What fingers do you use to type? The correct ones?
77. Is there something you need to have/to do to be able to sleep? I need to check my alarm clock 4 or 5 times. And a bottle of water.
78. What day is it tomorrow? Dec. 27th
79. What time is it now? 1:30 ish.
80. Do you believe humans evolved from monkeys? Yep
81. What's your favorite board game? Sorry!
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