i Love to travel!!! um... what do you want to know. im 6'5"??. i love going out. im a computer animator. Layout made by Hybiskis at CreateBlog.com .Layout and Grafix Created by Hybiskis
sleeping, making movies, making games value="http://www.youtube.com/v/wHICfzd2uDo" Brett Crathern's Animation Demo Reel 11-06
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George A. Romero did that!, Robin Willams, ..........
real punk, most music i like but not into rap... but cuntrey no cant do it.
real HORRERS, all CG films, it's hard to say
ault swim.... old nick like ren & stimpy, famly guy, simpson's.
How to's... fear and loathing
who i look up two...... no ..... ask me some time well im drunk. rum cokes