a profile picture


<blinkHEY MOFO'S

About Me

This profile is stupid just like the ones who read this. this site is owned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bitch ass fucking NIGGAS couldnt delete the 2 ugly friends with is all of u really fuckers.

My Interests

I am really interested in music and drawing..the music that i am into is Hardcore and other musics...what i like to draw is cars...thats all i have to say...
Skate Quiz
How Old? 12
Set-up? BAM DESTRUCTOS,abac 5,blank wheels,and blank deck
Favorite kind of boards? cbs,boardeep
Favorite kind of trucks? bam destructos
Favorite kind of bearings? abac 5
Favorite kind of Grip? plain black grip
Got any stencils on ur Board? What kind? none
Favorite Park? metro
Favorite spot? warehouse
Last place skated? niegborhood
Last time you skated? 4 hours ago
Last Trick you landed? heel flip
What is a trick you like to brag about? heel flip
Sponcered? nope but i want to
If so by what? none
Name 3 skaters. c
Name 3 pro-skaters. Kerry Getz,Mark Appleyard,Bam Margeara
Biggest influences? chomp on this
Got a Mp3? maybe
What kind? Rio
Last song you listened to? bloc party
Last Book you read? skateboarding
Last magizine you read? skateboarding
Tired of this test yet? nope
Last movie you saw? transporter 2
Last skate movie you saw? chocolate tour
Favorite trick? heel flip
Funnest trick? heel flip

CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!-- start puzzle HTML --.. classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/ flash/swflash.cab..version=6,0,0,0" WIDTH="390" HEIGHT="450" id="puz167148" ALIGN=""-- end puzzle HTML --

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet rich and famous people and skaters...(aka)Bam Margera... and some HOT chiXs..i would also like to meet (KoRn) and some other bands...and this guy i dont know but some guy who i really would like to meet and he is not real or alive...man this is all i can think of right now...so i think i will have to think of some made up stuff to surprise people...(wink_wink)lolhttp://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuse action=user.viewProfile&friendID=41736&Mytoken=20050 417204018




.. classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/ flash/swflash.cab..version=6,0,0,0" WIDTH="330" HEIGHT="300" id="puz74574" ALIGN=""-- end puzzle HTML --I like to watch all kinds of movies like scary,funny,and actiony...but really i dont really like watching movies ....the only time i like to watch a movie is when i am bored or going to watch it with a friend or a faimly member...shaolin soccer ...scary movie 123...freddy verses jason...austin powers 123...uro trip...hellsing...ninja scroll...armitage...metropillous...ghost in a shell...good the bad and the ugly...pay check...and a hell of alot of other movies ...i would of put them but i dont know how to spell some of them i am not really a good speller... ..


I like some Tv show but i dont watch it very often because it is all repeats...but i will tell you all the shows i watch...viva la bam...top 10 only when it rock...fuel...fuse...mtv 1 and 2...spike tv...comidy central...family guy...whose line it is any way...g4...simpsons...south park... and that is all i think i watch oh and the stars channel only when i am bored... well television mixes with games so here is some fun games u could play while waiting...kk...kkk...kkkk...kkkkk...kkkkkkk...kkkkkkkkkk...y a


ENTER IF U DARE ///....___ (@ @) +----oOO----(_)-----------+ | CHALES SICUSO l | for | | President l +-----------------oOO-----+ |__|__| || || ooO Ooo


I picked these people cause they all did help me i think i dont know and i dont give a shit...lol