Chio is the name..!
Santa no soy :)
ni lo sere..
♥..He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever..♥
♥..Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it..♥
♥..A successful relationship requires falling in love many times; always with the same person..♥
♥..Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power..♥
♥..The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good..♥
♥..Si algun dia me ves caer.. nunca pienses que estoy a tus pies.. Si algun dia me ves llorar.. No alucines que voy a rogar.. Si te dicen que sigo mal.. Te lo juro se me va pasar.. Y me veras volar..♥
♥..Si lloras en la noche por la perdida del sol, tus lagrimas te impediran ver las estrellas..♥
♥..Don't settle for the one you can live with, wait for the one you cant live without..♥
♥..There's a difference between Love & Like.. Between wrong & right.. Never run if you're not ready to step.. & never forgive if you're not ready to forget...♥
♥.. It's better to cross the line and suffer the consequences than to just stare at the line for the rest of your life..♥
♥..Laugh your heart out.. Dance in the rain.. Cherish the memories.. Ignore the pain.. Love & Learn.. Forget & Forgive.. Remember you only have One life to live..♥
♥.. My name is Rocio :) Chio to my friends.. I am a freshman @ UC Santa Barbara and it can be overwhelming but I'm having the time of my life! I've met the girls I know will be a huge part of my university experience! **59 days**!! LoL!! People usually think i dont like spanish music or that I dont listen to it because I dont speak it alot, but im a banda kinda girl and I love to dance! LoL. I have my beautiful parents that have raised me to be my beautiful self! lol. kidding. [not really]! lol. They're my heroes & I thank God for letting me be a part of this family. I love my sister Nancy to death! She can be bratty but she's really mature for her age and I can honestly tell her everything! I also love my brother Arturo Jr! He acts like he doesn't love me but I know he does :) & now that I don't see my family on a daily basis, I've learned to appreciate them more! & i miss them more & more every day! ..♥