daFNK profile picture


About Me

SO WHERE DID THE da FNK STORY BEGIN??? Jon - AKA da FNK was born in the UK in 1976 (a very hot year!!). I picked up my dad's 12-string guitar at age 6yrs and played all night until my fingers bled to learn three chords so I could play a song (some Bob Dylan thingy). The rest is history!!......

In my teens I did the whole classical music traing bit (got my grade-8 on trombone) basically because the first horm player in the county orchestra was tres-chic! Boy could she blow a horn at band-camp!!
So I hit my mid-teens and figured that girls liked guys that played guitar so I got a 20 quid Gibson SG copy and played it as loud as my 20W tranny amp would let me. However, competition was hard - there was this guy at school who was some kind of guitar prodigy and made everyone else look crud - so I got into bass guitar. Ten Level-42 CDs, a bit of Stanley Clarke and some Marcus Miller thrown in for good luck and I was slapping my thing with the best of 'em as a pro-bass guitarist.
In the mid-90s I formed a band with the guitarist from Patsi Kensit's band 8th Wonder and did the whole showcasing thing around London trying to get a record deal. We headlined at the music publisher's association annual conference, did some writing with Chris Dfford (Squeeze) got some development money from Sony S2 and Warner Bros. , but ended up splitting up for personal reasons. The highlight of this whole episode had to be the gig we did at Madam Jo Jo's in Soho on the same night the News Of The World Newspaper was filming the GET YOUR TITS OUT FOR CHRISTMAS video. We shared the dressing room with the stars of the video. Thanks girls - you gave me 10 years experience in 10 minutes!!

So, anyhow, this whole band-record deal thing collapsed and I decided to go off and get a degree at York University in Music Technology and Electronics. That's when I bought this cool analogue synth from Bulmer's second hand shop in York (cost me a terms' food money). I had access to loads of cool stuff at the Uni for recording. While the band I was living with at college were busy sha**ing girls from Leeds on the flat roof of my mate Alquin's house, which happened to be right outside my bedroom window (you naughty, naughty boyz!!), I was busy writing and composing - It could possibly be at this stage of life that I developed my sense of ryhthm, largely thanks to the heavy pumping on the roof brainwashing me while I was asleep!

After 5 years of writing pop-crud, I've just taken a fresh look at what I actually want in life. The truth is I absolutely adore hitting a night club and letting the drums and bass pump my sole. So I figured, let's cut throught the c**p, and start writing the sort of tunes I like listening and dancing to. Cheeze OUT - Funk Skunking, Sole Shaking, Adrenalin Pumping tunes IN. This has already yielded much better results with tracks played in major Spanish and USA clubs and interest from several major DJs.
Thanks everyone for your support over the last 10 years in several failed record deal attempts. It is probaly true that I have re-invented myself more times than Kylie Minogue's G-String. However, this time it is from the heart - so hope you like the new tunes. Keep it real!!
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My Interests


Member Since: 9/11/2006
Band Website: coming soon - http://www.daFNK.com
Band Members: Jon - yup that's me, banging the hell out of my keyboard, voice, bass and guitar. I also do Karate, cycling and and some other stuff that the band profile doesn't give you a box to write this stuff in........... Like for instance I'm CEO of a marketing company, I've got blue eyes, I've never had a tooth filling in my life and my favourite food is sea-food - all dull but true!!
Influences: Look - I don't have anything to put in this section - so I want everybody to know one of the most important things I've discovered in life. German Weissbier from the Munich region is AMAZING!! It is the only beer I know that gets you drunk very quickly and leaves no hang-over the next day. I reckon it's got someting to do with the German beer purity laws (Reinheitsgebot) - unlike the chemical enhanced c**p we drink in the UK and USA. It is probably fair to say this has had most influence on my song writing!
Sounds Like: ......time for another story. Do you wanna know what my claim to fame is? Well I was doing a gig at one of those trendy guest-list only clubs in London and needed to pee. So I'm standing there minding my own business and who should walk in and stand next to me? Wait for it...... THIS IS GOOD......... None other than ROBBIE WILLIAMS. So yes, I have taken a pee next to the Robmeister himself and seen a side of him only few people ever get to see!!
Record Label: This could be your record label!!

My Blog

Weissbier- Monks get all the perks

Weissbier is the best beer in the world for getting pissed with no major side effects - AKA hangover. This is a FACT- so don't blog me on this one. IT IS A FACT.  However, what I wanna ...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 17:07:00 GMT


So - someone gonna tell me if the moon's made of cheese, how big is the friggin'cow that made it?  
Posted by on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 17:00:00 GMT

Basssssically no one loves the bass player

Ok - so I do a gig on bass guitar - play my heart out with every lick under the sun and everyone comes up at the end of the show and either snogs the guitarist or talks to drummer about ...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 16:57:00 GMT

Tropicana Nightclub Cuba

I went to Cuba on holiday and didn't go to the Tropicana Nightclub. Everyone tells me I've misseed the best thing about going there. Is this true? What's so cool?
Posted by on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 16:51:00 GMT