Member Since: 9/11/2006
Band Website: coming soon -
Band Members: Jon - yup that's me, banging the hell out of my keyboard, voice, bass and guitar. I also do Karate, cycling and and some other stuff that the band profile doesn't give you a box to write this stuff in........... Like for instance I'm CEO of a marketing company, I've got blue eyes, I've never had a tooth filling in my life and my favourite food is sea-food - all dull but true!!
Influences: Look - I don't have anything to put in this section - so I want everybody to know one of the most important things I've discovered in life. German Weissbier from the Munich region is AMAZING!! It is the only beer I know that gets you drunk very quickly and leaves no hang-over the next day. I reckon it's got someting to do with the German beer purity laws (Reinheitsgebot) - unlike the chemical enhanced c**p we drink in the UK and USA. It is probably fair to say this has had most influence on my song writing!
Sounds Like: ......time for another story. Do you wanna know what my claim to fame is? Well I was doing a gig at one of those trendy guest-list only clubs in London and needed to pee. So I'm standing there minding my own business and who should walk in and stand next to me? Wait for it...... THIS IS GOOD......... None other than ROBBIE WILLIAMS. So yes, I have taken a pee next to the Robmeister himself and seen a side of him only few people ever get to see!!
Record Label: This could be your record label!!