Hi, I go by Venus...I am 33 yrs old, mother to 4 and I am a multiple traumas and abuses survivor...it is my goal to share with you as I take this journey to healing about my past the things that haunt me and the things I have overcome...I am not perfect...in fact there are many imperfections even in my current life but, I am doing all I can to create a better life for myself and my children...I do try my best to be loving, forgiving and peaceful...sometimes life just doesn't allow that though...I guess we are only human afterall...If I had only one single wish it would be for there to be peace on earth...yes many say that, but have you ever stopped to think about what that REALLY would mean? Besides the basic view...NO MORE WARS...it would mean PEACE literally everywhere on earth! No more violence in the homes, on the streets, in school or other areas...NO VIOLENCE PERIOD! Amazing isn't it?...If only I had one wish...One of my many passions is helping others thru my knowledge...which isnt as much as some but, it is atleast...just that...SOME...I tell people I know a little bit about a lot of things! So, I don't want to bore you too much but, one of my other passions is writing...poetry mostly but, occasionally greeting cards and short stories...I would like to actually write a story about my life...but, doing a timeline on multiple traumas and abuses seems very difficult to do...and maybe its not so much difficult to do as it is to retrace...hmmm something to think about........I am basicly a self disected person who has struggled thru the whole ginny piggin' deal of meds...(still there) and I have been officially diagnosed with several disorders the leading being PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) I manage a support group for those with PTSD and have been doing that for 3 yrs...I think thats one of the reasons I was able to come out of my shell...I think had I not been in a closed group that felt safe to me and was for that time...that I would not be the person I am today...which, trust me is a whole lot better than the person I used to be...No I'm not saying I was an awful person...just confused and naive to certain aspects of socializing with other people...of course there are many different reason why I am who I am today but, I just wanted to welcome you to my page and I hope in time my journey to healing will be as complete as it can be.Since this space was created on the 5th anniversary of the Sept. 11th 2001 murders that devestated our people and the people of the world, I would like to set in place a memorial tag so that we will always remember and never forget...