welp, i ain't much. just another kid tryin to make his mark in this world. i made some progress in college and got a degree in some Theology and Missions. But as we know, its just not enough these days. eventually i want to go back to school and make some headway in my career. TESL anyone? right now i am working with some missionaries in japan. i guess that makes me a missionary too - a title i certainly have not yet earned -
living in japan has done more good for me than harm. i came out here on my own, but have made family. i got church, family, friends, and i am makin my claim on this side of the world. oh, won't you come and join me?in my life i have traveled a bit. i can't even put into words what i have learned or experienced. at the end of it all i would say this; leave america, experience poverty, success, struggle, and life outside of your own box. expand your worldview, see the need in it and bust your ass to meet it.i am working in japan for the next couple years. i am working for a ministry teaching english and hanging out and studying japanese at Saitama University in Saitama, Japan. I am working on building relationships with the japanese young peeps. i want to come up with some gnarly ways to hang out and disciple and grow with the youth here in ways christ created us to live.Click to zoom in on my visitor map!
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