NoRmaL iS wHAteVeR yOu mAkE iT
It's a mighty long way down rock 'n roll From Top of the Pops to drawing the dole
It’S hARd tO FiND AngELs In HeLL
If no one out there understands Start your own revolution and cut out the middleman
HoLd YoUR hEad uP AnD wALK AwAY, wALk ThE cOolESt wAlK yOu Know
In a perfect world we'd all sing in tune But this is reality so give me some room
ThOSE wHo FeEL a HinT oF MADness, SItdown nEXt tO Me
Drain the pressure from the swelling, This sensation's overwhelming
wHIstle fOr ThE bOY’S nOW dON’t bE ShY
Thank You Ladies and Gentlemen, but here’s my last stand
ThE mARtIans wOUlD LaND On ThE cAr PaRK AnD nO-OnE wOUld cARE
There goes my hero, Watch him as he goes
ToGether yOUR cHildren, wIll tAke ThE lAst pLaNe To thE SkiES
It’s something unpredictable, but in the end it’s right, So I hope you have the time of your life
If MuSIc Be tHe FooD oF LoVE, pLay ON…
So join the struggle while you may The Revolution is just a T-shirt away Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards
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