PartieArtie profile picture


An what is good Phaedrus, And what is not good-- Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?

About Me

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen Henry Roberts

My Interests

Philosophy, Science, Religion, Art, Computer Graphics, Music, Information Technology, Reading and Photography.


Don't really have a preference. If it inspires me then I like it. Now with that being said, how much hip hop you think I listen to?


The Matrix, LOTR, Crash, American Beauty, Braveheart, A Beautiful Mind, Cloverfield.


LOST and 24...what else is there?


The Story of B, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, The DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons, House of Leaves, Ishmael....and I do like the Bible even though i'm an infidel.

My Blog

Let me explain God for you...

Ok, let's lay the cards on the table and let me explain something you may or may not know or understand. You may THINK you know, but trust haven't thought about this enough to arrive at that...
Posted by PartieArtie on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 05:03:00 PST


I have been busy. No, distracted. With work, with school, with friends, with things.But don't worry, Art. We're going back to 17 soon.
Posted by PartieArtie on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 05:53:00 PST

The Waiting Place...

...for people just waiting.Waiting for a train to goor a bus to come, or a plane to goor the mail to come, or the rain to goor the phone to ring, or the snow to snowor waiting around for a Yes or a N...
Posted by PartieArtie on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 04:36:00 PST