i'm andrea
-most people call me rea.. (not re-uh, just reee)
-im 20 on feb. 25th.. remember that.
-i love my boyfriend angelo
-hes cuter then yours =)
-i have a best friend named ashley.
-i love my friends "most girls like to blend in..
-me & my friends prefer to make a scene"
-for over 3 years ive had the best job ever,
-i work for mike nappi.. MUSICFLEX
-you probably seen me at a party, most likely roma view or russos
-i love photography, & im always taking pictures
-a lot of people tell me im my mothers daughter
-i have two big brothers
-i eat a lot.. like.. way too much to the point people dont know where it all goes
-sometimes im shy, most of the time im loud
-i love my black on black scion tc, i named her tati
-although angelo, ashley & my mom think im a terrible driver
-im a dance major at adelphi university. i <3 "the dancers". GFY. BIG<3
-graduate of laguardia, dance major
-.. one of the reasons i love manhattan
-i love family guy & the fresh prince
-i shop too much
-i love the 80's style. im infamous for "off the shoulder"
-i put on blistex too much
-i have the best dogs in the world. 2 boxers.
--i love my life. that's it.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !