Let me tell you a story about Byk.
Byk is cerebral and silient. Byk walks a lonely road, the only one that he has ever known. Byk turns his face into the wind and walks with purpose. Byk is a snail, crawling and slithering, along the edge of a straight razor to victory.
He does not try to bend IMBA. That's impossible. Instead, Byk must realize the truth: that there is no IMBA. Everything is BA beside himself.
Byk must learn to bury the unfairness with anger and must confront it and face the truth. Byk knows how to fight alone, he must learn how to engage overwhelming. Byk knows how to disappear, he must learn how to become truly invisible. Byk understands that invisibility is a matter of patience, and creativity. Byk always minds his surroundings.
The ordinary man is just a man, lost in the scramble for his own gratification. He can be defeated, destroyed. Byk must become more than just a man. If he can convince himself of the truth - then he can become something else entirely: The Goshu.