Just about everything! I love working- Yeah, I know I'm a dork!!! I like spelunking, any outdoors activities, rugby, marine biology (yet another nerdy aspect of me, I have always had a fascination with sharks haha!!!), personality styles and learning about people in general- after all, I do work in sales!!!
Anyone and Everyone (as friends). People are entertaining, simple but at the same time complex individuals. One can always learn from each other; therefore, I want to know and meet all (As long as they aren't liars!!!!)
You Belong in New York City
You're an energetic, ambitious woman.
And only NYC is fast enough for you.
Maybe you'll set yourself up with a killer career
Or simply take in all the city has to offer.
What City Do You Belong In?
Anything and Everything, but my favorite is rock and alt. And I always love anything I can shake my ass to! lol Music Video Codes By Music Jesus.com
Some funny movies, but mainly action. (Well that's if I can even pay attention and last through a whole movie)
Old Sitcoms, That 70's Show, America's Next Top Model, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic Channel.
Harry Potter Books, Kiss the Girls, and Angels and Demons (the prelude into the Divinci Code).
I don't know that I really have one. I just appreciate people in general. I guess that's one of the many reasons I work in sales! Ok, after conducting a self-evaluation, I would say my heroe is my lil sis LAUREN KENNEDY!!!! haha Loves ya bia! :D