Ðêrzðrvåеr profile picture


if you got a problem with me then fuck off!!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Gender: Male
Name: Levi Reiben Rua Deluca
Status: Taken
Religion: Agnostic
Location: Unknown
Body Type: small and slim
Ethnicity: White
Orientation: Bisexual
Zodiac Sign: Libra

† Before you even add me to your friend list!!! You have to know something about me!!! I am a simple guy I don’t like MYSPACE drama I hope that is clear before you push the add bottom!!! I am not looking to be the most popular and wanted kid on myspace that makes no sense to me!!! I like a person that actually has something more to say than YA KOOL KIDDO!!!! That is redundant to me!!!! Yeah you might think I am the total preppy bitch that likes no one but that is not true!!! Be nice original and say more than 3 words in one week and you will be consider more than just MYSPACE TRASH!!! one thing is true if you once you are added to my friends and we talk for a couple of times and then I decide that I should block you or delete you please don’t bother yourself in asking me why I deleted you yeah people if I don’t reply you back it is because it is personal the thing so if you are deleted don’t add me back!!! If you do if have on mind I’ll ignore you okay!!!! I got stuff to do!!!! …

One thing is for sure!!! If you are still in my friend list and are actually somewhere display in my profile whether it is in the list of friends or in this scroll below then citizen I must tell you that you are really appreciated!!!! Because for me to get to think about somebody it is difficult!!! So!!!! IT IS FORBIDEN to start fighting over why am I this position in your marquee of friends thanks ME that actually you are there!!!! It is FORBIDEN to come up with drama I won’t take that if you give me DRAMA I’ll give you BLOCK BOTTOM!!!!... I was not raised to be an stupid so let us grow some brain in here people and tell me interesting thing I am very busy with crap at school so I can’t take time to reply a comment to tell me I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH when we don’t even know each other I am sorry!!!! So now that we set up the cards I will display some of the cutest things that some friends have done for me!!!! So take a look and tell me if they are not just so rad!!!!


Daniel!!!! ♥ he makes such amazing cartoons that guys has talent hahahaha and he once told me that his only talent was eating peanuts by his nostrils that can’t be legal hahahaha!!! He has such a sweet heart and there at the left bottom you can see a drawing he gave me =D it makes me laugh my butt out that was actually his first try for a realistic drawing hahahaha I am glad that at the end of it he didn’t say it was a portrait of mine!!!!


Lauri!!!! He is about the best artist I have ever known his creativity can reach unknown or inexistent creatures that I never thought could even live if you want to talk about creative then here is when Lauri’s name come in the picture!!! There is nothing he can’t do!!!! I always look up at him!!!! He is like my big brother hahahaha even though he is just older a year but he has given me inspiration to keep creating new things


Annelies!!!! Oh she is like the best hahahaha!!! She has something going on there!!! But I think I would be even happier if she exploded her creativity a lil bit more I think that she could create unimaginable things so Ann my darling to start working you should actually get working on some amazing drawings really soon you always have that way to impress me!!!! So keep it up


Roxie!!!! She has done so many things for me ^.^ I think that if I put them all up here the page would just blow up right when you click profile bottom! =D hahahaha!!!! But that is the awesome thing about having people that cares that they always come up with something new!!!! Hahahaha she even made a video for my birthday but the video is at my videos so hehehe I could not upload it here in the pro!!! So Roxie is too lovely when she is not mad!!! That is nice!!!


Random!!! These are things that other people have given to me!!!! I barely knew them Oh but there is sanne’s I shall take that one out and make a lonely spot for it so those are basically kool things they have given me!!!! Now I shall move on this is getting old hahaha!!!! "

‡ bring the deads to life!!!! ‡

♥ THIS IS ME!!!!! ♥

So My name is Levi Reiben Rua Deluca!!!! I AM NOT FROM THE UK I usually don’t like to say where I am from so GET OVER IT okay!!!! I am!!!! Not really shy to be sincere I am more the type of silly guy who likes to make a fool of himself but that is just in the net when it comes to real person to person I am more reserve a lil more in going and don’t really let people get in my space so in the net I AM KOOL in person I AM NOT KOOL!!!! Chances have it that I will even ignore you as a mean not to make a fool of myself in front of you!!!!
There are three things I can’t live without and that is!!!!
1. Bellz!!!! (My hamster)
2. Music!!!!
3. a block and a pencil so I can draw!!!!

This is Bellz!!!! My three months old hamster!!! My boyfriend Danni gave it to me this year on September 29th 2006 hahahaha I am awesome for dates anyway!!! I named him Bellz they always ask me why bellz!!! First it is a short name!!! second!!! It is unique!!!! Not many people where I live name their hamsters bellz so GET OVER IT!!!! And well!!!! I remember when my boy and I went to get him at the pet shop!!!! We wanted a dark male hamster because we have had terrible experiences with ladies hamsters having miscarriages so let us forget about that ^.^ okay!!!! And there he was we took him home and until now he has being a joy to me!!!! He makes a mess in the house all the time but he is growing fatter and fatter!!!!

Lauri and I even made some videos of him so this is about the hamster that I’ve loved the most in my whole life yeah hahahaha so if you want to watch the videos below there is a link to my videos where you can see some videos of Bellz so CHECK THEM OUT!!! He loves oreos and crakers!!!! But hates bread for some strange reason I always leave him some bread and find it floating in the water the next morning 7_7*…. I don’t know why I love hamters so much maybe it is because my father hates them so much so I love everything he hates so I can properly make his life a misery!!!!

♥ Bellz is THE SWEEEST ♥ and if you click in that image below there is where you go to my videos SO WHAT YA WAITING FOR ^.^

Okay obviously this are things that I like!!!!
♥ drawing
♥ writing
♥ thunder storms
♥ black eyeliner
♥ black nailpolish
♥ reading
♥ hanging out
♥ popcorns
♥ dragons
♥ noise
♥ photo manipulations
♥ motorbikes
♥ horror movies
♥ sex
♥ frozen cokes
♥ guitars
♥ making out
♥ making people laugh
♥ love being barefoot
♥ eating sweet things
♥ south park
♥ cuddling
♥ alejo and valentina
♥ being able to hold a decent conversation
♥ piercings
♥ tattoos
♥ feeling happy

And this are obviously things that I don’t like
♥ losing someone i love
♥ when my father tells me to clean my room
♥ drugs
♥ I don’t like to brush my hair
♥ people who lack common sense
♥ fighting with friends
♥ rap and country music
♥ people that ALWAYS have to cause drama
♥ not having enough money to do everything i want to do
♥ my computer being slow WHO doesn’t hate that ^.^
♥ I hate taking showers because it means I need to wash my hair
♥ hangovers
♥ most people under 15
♥ liars
♥ being alone
♥ going to the movies and watch a bad film
♥ stupidity
♥ school
And sadly but true my father =(…

My Blog


SPANISH   .:2:. Impuramente te miento& me mientes& te creo& no me crees& silenciosos son los llantos& que compartimos por igual& ¿Por qué eres quien eres? &  y me haces quien soy& por que s...
Posted by Ðêrzðrvåеr on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 01:12:00 PST

How to Price Art - Being Objective about Your Own Artwork

I have been wondering how someone can be objective about such subjective stuff as their own artwork. It's not too hard, I guess it just takes some self-discipline or so I've heard. The first step to ...
Posted by Ðêrzðrvåеr on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 01:49:00 PST

Poetry ... and draws and digital art =D

 Español   .: 1:.   Una Mañana silenciosa& donde hay solo dos sujetos& yo y me ego& ¿Qué es el pensar? & cuando no he pensado en nada& cuando cada rincón esta vació& y solo me queda ol...
Posted by Ðêrzðrvåеr on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 11:55:00 PST


.: Dagon and Andras :.   Born from the flame& born from lies& Dagon and Andras& two in one& one look at the other& only insanity to be found& with the lips sealed with venom& and the wings almost...
Posted by Ðêrzðrvåеr on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 11:09:00 PST

.: I am a sinner... but you are with me :.

..:: 1 ::..   .: There is a moment when I stand in front of the mirror& I look around and you are gone& what is left to live& if I don't have you& flying will assure I'll fall& with the wounds of...
Posted by Ðêrzðrvåеr on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 02:39:00 PST