STOP Rape - Assault - Abuse, Domestic Violence You've seen it all in the movies and read it in the papers.
Think it can’t happen to you? Well, Guess Again!
Just think about the world we live in today. I don’t want to scare you, I just want you to realize the fact – No one is immune to violence. Doesn't it make sense to know how to be AWARE and also be PREPARED before it's too late?
Did you know? A Violent Crime occurs every 5 seconds
A Rape occurs every 30 seconds A Murder or Abduction every 30 minutes? My 19 year old son told me about myspace. I thought what better way to get my message out to the world. So i decided to start my own page. I hope that you will joint venture with me in the pursuit of stopping violence. "MY GOAL IS TO SAVE LIVES!", By showing people how to prevent violence from happening in the first place or how to defend themselves in virtually any potentially dangerous situation, should the need arise. I have over 30+ years experience consisting of teaching and training military and law enforcement agencies.There are only a few privileged civilians that can honestly say they were personally trained by me. You can check everything out at
or LOook forward to seeing you there!
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Check out this video: Special Forces H2H Combat
Special Forces H2H Combat
Add to My Profile | More Videos Posted by on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 09:07:00 GMT