NIKKI!! For these 10 reasons:1. Nikki is Super!! 2. Nikki is Hot!! 3. Nikki is Electrick!!4. Nikki is Incredible!! 5. Nikki is Sexy!!6. Nikki is Terrific!! 7. Nikki is Holarious!! 8. Nikki is Evolving!! (lol)9. Nikki is Beautiful!! 10. Nikki is Emo!! 11. Nikki is Stunning!! 12. Nikki is Tempting!! (lol)Now you gotta read the first letter in the last words in every sentence:-D This took me alot of thinking and time Nikki, you better freakin like it gurl;-) Love you3And i would also really really really love to experience swimming with dolphins and maybe also the great orca:-D The orca is the most beautiful creature there is!! And so are the dolphins!