Goddess profile picture



About Me

As I Dream of the One to Come...
We lay together, on a soft cushioned blanket of green, under a beautiful, ancient tree with lazy branches - planted hundreds of years ago, for you and I, for just this moment... lulled by the serenade of mother nature's orchestra...

...My head rests on your stomach... I read aloud from our favorite book as you absently play with my hair that is splashed across your chest... I am comforted by your warmth, your closeness and the soothing rise and fall of your chest...
Seeing forever in your eyes... smiling for I see that the feeling behind your eyes, mirrors mine...
We feed each other pieces of fruit... we laugh about a funny moment, long since past... cherishing one another...
...Only you and I exist here... to worship each other in perfect paradise...our Secret Eden...
You led the way - knowing all the while, that I've always had the keys to the door...


Ahh...There has to be more to love and life than this...
I think felt a glimmer of it once...that perfect bliss, that pure euphoria, the complete ecstasy ... beyond lust
When you are with the right person, at the right time - nothing else exists in the world but your two intertwined souls...there's nothing like it ... it’s what they make movies about! ;)
So why is it so hard to find perfection?
Now, I’m not talkin’ Maxim or Cosmo perfection, but cosmic or kismet perfection.
“Perfect love and Perfect trust”:
Beautiful thought - so easy to say - so bloody hard to fathom...
I don’t want anything from you
That I am not able to give back
I’ve worked hard on myself
So you don’t have to...
I just need you to...
...be there for me once in a while, as I will for you...
...be thoughtful and kind, as I am...
...be honest with me, as I will with you...
...be passionate in all aspects of life, as I am...
...cherish my intellect, secondary to my beauty...

Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre?
Seriously ... I'm fab-u-lous! I'm THE Asian Sensation BABY!! What more is there to say?! ;)
I'm really not THAT conceited!! I SWEAR!! :D
Come, come now!
Being born and raised an Air Force brat, I am from all over (and have been all over) - born in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
I'm still looking for the love of my life; although my life would be sublime with him, my life is content without him...for now. ;)
I don't have any children, but I hope to, someday - maybe two. Whenever I have dreams of them, they are in the backseat, in their childseats, and they are twins, one boy and one girl, so who knows....

My Interests

I find interest in MANY things that are interesting, especially very interesting things. ;)

Rabi Khan's
Moment Before the Kiss

I'd like to meet:

Besides my future husband(s) Dwayne Johnson, Gerard Butler (and/or) Vin Deisel?....(or his brother - because twins are fabulous too) I would like to meet Maya Angelou (I know weird combo of idols)...Rumi would've been nice too - what a beautiful poet...actually, I'd like him to come through time for me because I'm not going back. ;)
I like them all so much, I've named my pets after them: My betta Rock (God Rest his little fishy soul), and his step-brothers (African Dwarf Frogs) Vin and Deisel.

Baby Makin' Music Playlist

You're a Goddess, Girl... Strut Playlist

“All You Need to Know About Me Survey”


Nicknames:: Miss Yvette, Miss Y, Goddess, Yvie and Auntie Vette
Birthday:: December 15th
Religion:: Buddhism
What is your astrological sign:: SAGITTARIUS
What is your chinese sign: RABBIT
What time were you born:: 4:10 AM
Where were you born:: COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO
Height:: 5’4”
Hair color:: AUBURN BROWN (Now matter how much I try to dye the red out - THANKS IRELAND!!)
Eye color:: COPPER BROWN
Righty or lefty:: RIGHTY
Any piercings or tattoos:: PIERCED EARS AND A TATTOO
Biggest fear:: None. I conquer them as they come. You must face your fears. Don't let them go through you - go through THEM! The only way OUT, is THROUGH. (But swimming is not my favorite-est thing to do.)

Who do you live with:: No one, but my neighbors practically make it feel like it's a commune.
Any siblings:: Yes, a brother and 3 sisters.
Are you the oldest, middle, or youngest:: Middle, but I grew up in the family as the oldest, since the oldest wasn’t there
What family member do you tell everything to:: Kimmie
What friend do you tell everything to:: Evelyn (Who I consider my sister) and Timmy (when he returns a damn call)
What friend are you complete opposites to:: I thankfully
walk a different path from most - but I'm not completely opposite from any of my friends - just deliciously different from them.
Are you close friends with any of your family members:: Kimmie, Debbie and adopted sister Evie.
Who is your best friend:: Timmy
How long have you known this person:: 9 +/- years

Are you single or taken:: I'm in between men right now - not in the porn way either, you pervs!
Are you crushing on anybody:: ... I like being mysterious...
Have you ever been in love:: No, I haven't. Thought I might have been once, but it was just a reaaaally good kiss. ;)
Have you ever had your heart broken:: Yes. unfortunately more than once - because some people suck.
Have you ever broken someone's heart:: Inadvertently: not by any wrongdoing on my part - I just had to go
Have you ever been cheated on:: Yes - but Karma's got my back: she's gonna take care of things for me. ;)

*The Perfect Guy/Girl*
Hair color:: Brown/black - aka "dark"
Eye color:: Blue/Green - aka "light"
Height:: 5'10" or taller, the better to look dreamily into my eyes... ;)
Body type:: Line backer/Quarterback build – I really don't like guys that are too skinny. My momma calls them "beef-cakes".
Clothing style:: To accentuate the Positive
Personality:: I kick so much ass!

Color:: pink and pastel purple
Food:: Traditional Korean and Japanese
Fast food place:: If I have to have fast food: Subway...but "they" don't call that "fast food" right?
Ice cream flavor:: Gingerfruit or Americone Dream
Drink(non-alcoholic):: Diet Pepsi with the juice from ½ of a fresh squeezed Key lime (who says I'm picky)
Drink(alcoholic):: Mojito (bruised, stirred and shaken baby), Limoncello martini (shaken, not stirred - seriously, I'm not picky. ;)) or Espresso martini, with 3 coffee beans in a glass with a sugared rim (see - not picky!). lol
Season:: Spring and Fall
Holiday:: Halloween
School subject:: Bid-nez, its tha shiznit or English Comp
Clothing store:: I don’t know, I have more important things to worry about than clothes (I know, woman all over the world AND the Fab Five just fainted and don’t know why). I did mention that I walk a different path, right? Well, my favorite store is there too. ;)
Movie:: Exit to Eden, Under The Tuscan Sun, One Fine Day, Evil Dead 2, Jet Li's Fearless, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Princess Bride, Lucky Slevin ...
Disney character:: Stitch, he's, uh, it, is so friggen cute!
Cartoon character:: Pink Panther and Scooby Doo
Song:: "Cahuita" by Lakki Patey... Check out my playlist - it has all my favorites!!
Band:: Digital Underground, Enigma...
Car brand:: Bugatti baby

*Do You*
Smoke:: No. Yucky. Pew.
Drink:: Well, I just discovered that my sister’s a lush… I, on the other hand, drink socially
Do drugs:: Prescription and natural
Swear:: Occasionally, they only seem to come out when I'm around others whom swear, otherwise one would think I hail from a nunnery.
Want to get married:: Yes
Want to have kids:: Yes, two I think. One boy, one girl.
Go to school:: Yes. There. Now.
Get along with your parents:: Yes
Believe in yourself:: You betchoass!
Think you are attractive:: Double-down on the betchoass!
Trust people easily:: Too easily, back in the day. :C Now you gotta work hard to earn that shee-it! ;)
Like thunderstorms:: Love them - they are very erotic
Kiss with your eyes closed:: Is there any other way?

*When Was The Last Time You*
Watched television:: Last night. News – some guy got “robbed by hypnosis”. lol
Watched a movie:: I watched Death Proof, on my bigscreen the other night. I love surround sound (I bet my neighbors do too...especially during the naughty bits! Bwahhh, haaa, haaaaaaaa!)
Laughed:: All day today. Evie makes me laugh all the time - and it's usually when she's doing her impression of me. :D
Cried:: Watching Extreme Makeover - those family's that appreciate it put me over the edge...So sweet.
Got mad at someone:: Can't remember.
Hugged someone:: Today.
Made your bed:: Yesterday. I got up late and had a case of the "don'tgiveadamns" this morning.

*Who Was The Last Person Who*
Called you:: Bank of America, was 32.2679 milliseconds late on a payment.
Texted messaged you:: My Timothia.
Said I love you:: My best friend, Timothia. lol
You spent the night with:: My huggie pillow, I call him “Big Blue” because he’s big and he's blue. LOL

*Choose Between*
Sunrise/Sunset:: Sunset
Day/Night:: Night
Autumn/Spring:: Autumn
Hot weather/Cold weather:: Perfectly Warm – why does it have to be so black or white with you people?!
Ocean/Pool:: OCEAN
Beach/Mountains:: I have to have both. I can’t live without either. I get homesick for whichever one I’m away from too long.
Chocolate/Vanilla:: Coffee – yes, I’m difficult
Strawberry/Blueberry:: Strawberry, but for the record I want watermelon - the seedless kind and for that matter if there isn't any seedless, I'll need someone to pick out the seeds and ...
1 best friend/Few close friends:: Quality over quantity, anyday, in any department.
Dirt bike/Four wheeler:: Four-wheeler
Calling/Texting:: Texting, if its unlimited, otherwise calling
Dog/Cat:: Dog
Rose/Daisy:: Gerber Daisy or Light Purple roses (the only kind of roses I like) - anything beautiful as long as it's not carnations - I hate, hate, hate carnations - they piss me off. There, I said it. Horrible weed of a flower...offend my delicate sensibilities... ;)

*Have You Ever*
Gone streaking:: Across my house to get something I forgot while in the shower ...
Gone skinny dipping:: Yes, a few times. It’s liberating! Just don’t go where the buggies can eatcha’ or the fishies can swim up your no-nos.
Gone horse back riding:: Yes, in my youth...8?
Gone fishing:: Yes, I haven't gone since I hooked my daddy's nose. :C I still feel bad about that - I was only 11, but still...eww.
Gone a week without showering:: No, but I think I’ve walked passed people that must’ve gone without...pee-ew! The Horror!!
Gotten drunk:: Yes...haha
Gotten so sick of something that you threw up:: Yes, damn clam chowder. I made someone laugh so hard that they threw up! Hee-hee! I got some mad skills on that front too - don't I Sue?! Bwahh-hahahah
Got motion sickness:: Yes, but never sick from it.
Got so scared you cried:: Yes.
Been in a wreck:: Yes.
Been in the hospital for an injury or sickness:: Yes.
Been swimming in freezing cold temperatures:: Yes – from NH but the coldest waters were in DeLeon Springs in Florida a little spot that is known for its ice cold waters and called the "Fountain of Youth"
Had a heat stroke:: No
Had an eating disorder:: No
Cried at school:: Yes, during a civil rights film
Failed a major test:: I got a D- on an accounting II final once because I forgot a zero in the beginning of the form which threw the rest of the form off so I ended up getting my first A- for a final grade!! OH THE HUMANITY!!!
Eaten something really gross:: Probably, but one person's "gross" is another person's "delicacy"
Burnt what you were cooking:: Once or twice, when I wasn’t paying attention
Sang in front of a large crowd:: Yes!!!
Danced in front of a large crowd:: Yes!!
Tripped in front of a large crowd:: No!! Thank you!! Can I get an AMEN?!!
Stayed up all night:: You betchoass. Someone slipped me something once where I was up for two and a half days once.
Slept all day:: Yep. I think I’ve done it twice – when I was reeeeaaaallllly sick with the flu. But I don’t get sick anymore so you’d have to drug me to get me to sleep all day. Don’t get any ideas!!!
Showered at the opposite sex's house:: Yep.
Ran up the phone bill:: Cell phones tend to do that. Blasted things.
Driven a car or truck:: Yes. Both, but presently, a car. What a weird question after all this crap!!(?)


I like all types of music. My all-time favorite, Number 1 song is, and always will be: Cahuita (by Lakki Patey and Oystein Sevag)

(Sunset taken from Cahuita)

and Gotan Project, with their hot, sultry beats - then Hypnotize by my immortal Biggie and, oh yeah! The classic Da' Butt by E.U. (Thanks Evie, still can't get the damn song out of my head... Doin' da' butt...Hey Sex-say, sex-say! When you get that notion ... put your backfield in motion...yeah!?? lol) After that, my favorites are Otis Redding, Jill Scott, Ledisi, Erykah Badu, Kevin Michael and James Morrison.
If you've never heard of them - look them up - your IPod will thank you

and your lives will be THAT MUCH better for it. ;)
Start with "He Loves Me (Lyzel in E Flat)" by Jill, "Joy" by Ledisi, "In Love with You" by Erykah Badu (or "Tyrone" if you need inspiration to get rid of a baaaad man) and "Better Man" by James, to get you started (Be warned though: it'll be makin' you want a "better man" - that boy can croon!).
I like "Walk Away" by Christina Aguilera too - she feels my pain and the song is super, sultry H-O-T!


My favorite movies are One Fine Day, Mists of Avalon, Under a Tuscan Sun, 300, Wild Orchid (This is every woman's favorite - I'm just honest enough to admit it), Exit to Eden, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon -
and NO NOT because I'm Asian - 'cause it makes me cry like a little girl at the end.
Unrequited love ... discovered too late ... lost forever!!
Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!...oh and Jet Li's "Fearless" the ultimate of ultimates in martial art movies!! ;)


I don't watch a lot of television - but my favorite TV shows used to be Heros, Dresden Files, Family Guy, Daily Show and Colbert Report (Stewart/Colbert '08 Baby!! Woo!!).

I love the Food Network; my favorite shows being Good Eats

and the original Iron Chef.

I have a passion for cooking, that is slowly being rekindled.


I am currently reading/studying about Buddhism

and reading poetry by Rumi...dreamy stuff...exquisite poet...(and studying my states and capitals since I recently realized I don't remember all my capitals anymore...the travesty...)


My parents, Martin Luther King, Jr. - Firefighters, the police force and all of our servicemen and women.
For those that put their lives on the line - Much love to you all. xoxoxo
1. What do you say most when you're trying NOT to curse?
Sugar, Holy Christmas, Buggah, Cheese and Rice, For Pete's Sake, Cripes, Kiss my grits, Poop, Crap, Meatballs...
2. I like turtles!
My favorite
3. What Person On Your Top 8 Do You Talk To The Most?
Kimmie and Evelyn
4. What Time Is Your Alarm Clock Set To?
Alarm A is set at 7:15am and Alarm B is set at 10:00am
5. Do You Want To Fall In Love?
Sure, I'll give it a whirl. Of course I do. :D
6. Do You Wear Flip-Flops When It's Cold?
Yeah. Freaks people out - that's my favorite part. I did it the other day as a matter of fact. My friend Evelyn said, through clenched teeth, that she hates my perfect toes. lol
7. Would You Rather Take The Picture Or Be In The Picture?
Take it...and if I'm taking it then I'll be in it - or if my sisters taking it - otherwise, I hate my picture taken. lol
8. What Was The Last Movie You Watched?
Next - It was very Butterfly Effect. ;)
9. Do any of your friends have kids?
Yes, and I have another peanut on the way.
10. Has Anyone Ever Called You Lazy?
No. I've been told I need to switch to decaf...by a person who is no longer with us...bless their soul... ;)
11. Do You Ever Take Medication To Help You Fall Asleep?
Yeah, melatonin
12. Are you a cuddler?
Yep, until I get too hot then I'm a "kickyourassoutabed-er"
13. Do You Prefer Regular Or Chocolate milk?
Depends on my mood and/or my craving, as long as it's that "Over the Moon" milk.
14. Has Anyone Told You A Secret This Week?
Yep. I know lotsa secrets. :D I'll never tell!
15. When Was The Last Time You Had Starbucks?
Starbucks sucks ass. Why do all their coffees taste like aspirin you let sit on your tongue too long....eww...for cripes sake!!
16. Do you know anyone who lost their dad within the last couple years?
Unfortunately, yes, right after they lost their momma too. :C
17. Do You Have A Trampoline In Your Back Yard?
Not anymore. I donated it to Goodwill. It's amazing the neighbors you attract when you're having fun on your trampoline.
18. Do You Think People Talk About You Behind Your Back?
Of course they do! They're amazed at how fabulous I am and wonder what my secret is! hahaha;)
19. Did you watch cartoons as a kid?
Still do.
20. What Movie Do You Know Every Line To?
I don't think I have any movies like that anymore...Oh yeah! Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. :D
21. What CD is in your car stereo right now?
Dean Martin's "Forever Cool". ;)
22. What's your fav. song on that cd?
Ain't That a Kick in the Head
23.What is your favorite salad dressing?
Newman's Oriental - and this cool orange honey mustard vinagrette that my momma makes.
25. Does anyone like you?
Yep. Lotsa people. I'm so lovable!! :)
26. Do You Do Your Own Dishes?
Yeah. If I had a slave, that is definitely a chore I'd make him do. Can you tell I don't have one of those new-fangled dish-warshin' machines?! ;)
27. Do you ever cry in public?
I think I did once and I tried very hard to hold it back and thankfully I had on my "J-Lo" sunglasses so no one noticed my temporary moment of weakness.
28. Have you told a secret to someone this week?
No. Actually yes, now that I think of it.
29. Who was your first love?
To be announced...
30. What do you think about the person you got this survery from?
She's a pain in my ass, but I love her.
31. Would You Ever Marry Anyone Covered In Tattoos?
Covered? No. A few tasteful ones, yes.
32. What Did You Do Before This?
Polished off a humungo bag of crudités, like I've never eaten before - thank goodness they're just veggies!! (The poor little things didn't stand a chance! ;))
33. When Was The Last Time You Slept On The Floor?
Can't remember, love, sorry.
34. How Many Hours Of Sleep Do You Need To Function?
7 or 8
35. Do You Eat Breakfast Daily?
Unfortunately no. I try to and go through spurts where I remember but...
36. Are Your Days Full And Fast Paced?
You betchoass.
37. What are you doing right now?
Finishing a glass of white - about to turn off "The Bachelor" and do my yogalites.
39. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
Yes. As anyone. Miss Pickypants.
40. Have You Ever Been To Six Flags?
Yep. Three times.
41. Who was the last person you kissed?
My smoochable niece.
42. Do You Get Along Better With The Same Sex Or The Opposite?
Opposite...as long as they're gay
43. Do you like mustard?
Yep, only the straight up kind - not the dijon b.s.
45. Do You Sleep On Your Side, Stomach, Or Back?
All over the place.
46. Do You Watch The news?
Not really, since 9/11
47. How Did You Get One Of Your Scars?
I smacked my hip into something really hard and it cut my skin right open - scar about 1 1/2 long and there was originally a bruise the size of a Ponderosa Lemon (that's big baby)
48. Last person to make you mad?
Someone at work.
49. Do you think you are someone's first love?
50. What is the last thing you want to do today before the day is over?
Sleep. Amen sister.
1. What is your name spelled backwards?
Ettevy, hmm, kinda cool, in a Shauniquah sort of way
2. What did you do last night?
Worked until 10pm, drove until 10:30pm, worked out until 11:15pm, took a shower, read until 12am went to sleep.
3. The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
4. Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?
Hell yea...everyone has…don't deny it…you have too :)
5. Last time you swam in a pool?
A couple years ago, while vacationing in Maine
13. You like/love anyone right now?
Do you mean “like”, or like, like? lol
14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
Hell-to-the-yea!! When we goin’!?
15. Furthest place you ever traveled?
Europe and Asia, further than most I reckon
16.Do you have a garden?
Yes…garden of magic
17. What's your favorite comic book or strip?
I havent read comics in a while...but I liked Mostly all DC Comics
18. Do you know all the words to the national anthem?
Yeah, I can sing them like a mo-fo too. :D
19. Shower, morning or night?
Night. Just think – if you don’t, your ass is getting into your bed all dirty from working all day…eww.
20. Best movie you've seen in the past month.
1408, once my sister and I could sit still long enough to watch it. Definitely need to be paying attention for that movie.
21. Favorite pizza toppings?
I like buffalo chicken pizza, when its done right.
22. Chips or popcorn?
Chips. Poopcorn (yes, I said poopcorn) pisses me off. Damn kernels getting in my gums ‘n shee-it…

23. What cell phone provider do you have?
24. Have you ever smoked peanut shells?
What the hell…What?! Damn kids will smoke anything! Peanut shells? LMAO!!!! Hey. You. I got some pencil shavin’s ovah here. You wanna hit this? Crazy peanut shell smokin’ motha….
25. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?
Yes. I don’t recommend them. They suck. Don’t let those Vaseline covered toothy smiles fool you – it’s not all glitz and glamour and its not fun. (I’m out of the club now, for sure, darn it.)
26. Orange Juice or apple?
Orange juice, only if its not from concentrate and/or freshly squeezed, otherwise apple – but I’m not picky.
27. Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?
28. favorite chocolate bar?
Oh, I can’t remember its been so long since I had it – some Hershey thing with some stuff in it – ah, yes… Hershey’s Smores…oh yes… make yo’ tongue slap yo’ brains out…mmm…chocolate…where am I?!
29. Who is your best friend and how long?
Timmy, for about 9 years
30. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
I can’t remember it’s been so long because tomatoes are freakin’ gross!!!
31. Have you ever won a trophy?
Yes, for various things that I won’t list, because it will seem like I’m bragging and we all already know that I’m fabulous and my modesty knows no bounds. ;)
32.Favorite artist(s)?
Rabi Khan is my ultimate favorite, then in no particular order, just as they pop in my head: Klimt, Van Gogh, Davinci, Mutter, Uelsman and Picasso – when he’s not hating women.
33. Favorite computer game?
Word Whomp
34. Ever ordered from an infomercial?
Yes. Hip-Hop Abs was the last one.
35. Sprite or 7-UP?
Diet 7-up. Sprite sucks
36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?
I went to a private, Catholic school, so yes, I wore them to school. And no I don’t still have it. Pervs. Lol.
37. Last thing you bought at Walgreens?
Germ MD, which reminds me I have to take some more – damn walking Petri dishes up in here…
38. Ever thrown up in public?
Good lord, I’m tryin’ to eat breakfast here!!
39. Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?
True love
40. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe in the possibility.
41.Can exes just be friends?
If they can keep it in their knickers.
42. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
My dad.
43. Did you have long hair as a young kid?
44. What message is on your voicemail machine?
Hello, you’ve reached XXX-XXXX, I’m unable to come to the phone right now, so please your name, your number and a good time that I can call you back. Thank you very much and have a great day or something like that. Instead of “Thank you…” I used to have “and please – leave me a nice message – or I’ll kill ya. Have a great day!!”
45. Where would you like to go right now?
To Gauchos – I’m hungry and I could use their “Sunshine in a Glass”.
46. What was the name of your first pet?
47. What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?
A purplish purse/back-pack from L.L. Bean with my initial monogrammed on the pocket. I also have a black one for school, also from L.L. Bean, no initials – both were gifts.
48. Last incoming/outgoing call on your phone?
Incoming: Kimmie, pain in my ass Outgoing: My landlord to tell him of something else gone wrong. ;D
49. What is one thing you are grateful for today?
Everything - The air - my sight - I can walk - ungrateful sisters ;) – great toes – sense of humor – appreciation for life – that I got it like that - that have a car – have beautiful nieces and nephews – have parents that are still with me – have memories to cherish… (see, Kimmie, you can think of something I bet!!)
50. What do you think about most?
Trying to stay in a positive state of mind.

My Blog

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