Welcome to SadiE chronicles...Dark, Sexy, Epic, Hard, Soft, Goth, Rock, Deadly, Psychotic, Mistery, Fantasy,Harmony, Complexity..
many words you can describe SadiE's music, in what, where, how the way they played...whatever you name it, we just called it EXOTIC DARK ROCK... or in any words you can say..SadiE know NO Genre to say... SadiE know NO rules to play... SadiE know NO limit in every word & note we wrote...we just don't want to make any 'strict' in music we played and create...
its dark, its hard, its tempting its hipnotyzed...listen to the silence, hear in the deaf, see in the blindness, speak the wordless...for everyone in despair, agony, suicidal, desperate, lonelyness, darkness...
remember, it will always be there inside...in your darkest hour, in your saddest moment, in your wrath explosion... SadiE will always be there..'...cause in every pain you poured in me, you add me more'
we just Love to Make and Play some Music..
can't wait to burn your pits!!click here
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First of all..
SadiE would say sorry for all of the late news and all the late package, delivery, order, etc. For all the friend around us, Record Label, Shop and Store, this late update and progres is caused by our own mistakes. in the last 2-3 months we've been fixing some internal problems, and of course still digging in some new material.
And now, here we are, Ready to burn again... wait for the next surprise in September 2007.For all the pending message, mail and notes, SadiE will write you back Imediatelly, Each one of you. Thx for all your patience and support to wake us up again."What doesnt kill you, just make you stronger than ever""Cause in Every Pain you poured in me, You add me more"
-Marionette, SadiE-