...Jesus (face to face), Paul, Timothy, and Jeremiah. Jesus for paying a price I could not pay. Not only could I not pay it, but probably would not have paid it.Thank You Lord for doing what I could not and would not do.Paul for his wonderful writing. Thank you for being in tune with the spirit. Thank you for giving your testimony to the ages. How many times in my youth did I persecute the church and its members? More times than I care to think about. Like you I am a prisoner of the Gospel..and glad of it.Timothy because of being a fellow struggling minister. Not afraid to admit you're having problems, and willing to seek advice when you are. I wish ministers today had the network of strong support that you had. We are afraid to admit struggling because it can cost us our church, ministry and even our family. I would like to talk to you when I get home to heaven. I have a few questions for you.Jeremiah, for being bold enough to deliver a message no one wanted to hear. Praying you could give good news, but willing to give the bad. People misunderstand minister's role today. People think ministers should always be encouraging and never speak of the "negative" things. You were bold enough to speak the truth even if it was negative.