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About Me

First of all, I know that at times proclaiming your happiness online can be tacky, annoying, embarrassing even, nevertheless I have the greatest boyfriend who takes very good care of me all of the time, even when I am frustrating! His name is Christopher Murphy and he makes me very very happy, what more could I ask for! I also have the best group of girlfriends who are nuts! Just talking to them makes me realise how incredibly lucky I am and how shit life would be if I didn't have them!
I talk a lot of shit. But i really do enjoy a stimulating conversation. This usually happens when driving home late at night from the theatre in Sydney. I enjoy a good book, but have recently been reading anything that has that trash-sense oozing from the cover. Give me steamy 90s sex and bad pop culture references anyday, that's what makes a good read. I enjoy music. I teach it, learn it, love it. I dont appreciate people who think life is their way or the highway. Especially in terms of opinions and life choices. Travel is an addiction. My only vice. It's more expensive than cigarettes, coke and disco biccys. But I bet I will enjoy myself much more when i'm high on the steps of the Sacre Coeur in Paris than you will when you're high in Cooneys. People intrigue me, annoy me, make me happy and sad. I frustrate the people who love me. That doesn't matter. I miss a lot of things from school, and no i wont get over that anytime soon. I waste too much time, dont do enough uni work, should do more readings, and according to my mother should read the newspaper more because apparently the Mercury is going to give me information i need when i become a high school teacher. $3 tacos arent as good as they used to be but theyre still tasty for a mere $3 so id rather not complain. That's pretty much all i have to say to you today. Have a good one.
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