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About Me
President/CEO The Satori Dog Institute in Los Angeles, specializing in guided meditation CDs for dogs. Click here for sample tracks.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Fellow meditators, canine or human... send your photos!
My Blog
What a great full moon last night, huh? It's amazing how big it is when it's on the horizon. It's called the Ponzo Illusion, or something like that... oculomotor macropsia... but if you stick you head... Posted by on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 19:04:00 GMT
Ah, October!
I love October, it's my favorite month of the year. The air is cool and crisp and filled with such wonderful smells. It's the perfect time to bundle up and go to the beach or just take a nic... Posted by on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 15:24:00 GMT